Forum Discussion
Oct 11, 2023Copper Contributor
Duplicate questions in microsoft forms answers downloaded in excel
I have a rate colour form where user has to rate colours based on their liking and their mother's liking.
This is my form
But the problem is when i download the response here in excel the questions are not coming.
Here it is coming as Red, Red2 if i have 100 of these questions for each family member and friends then this response won't give me any idea of what is the response for whom.
Is there any way to identify that. Or is it like for each question I will have to add whose response we are asking for.
- LeonPavesicSilver Contributor
Hi snehlatagiri,
solution to this problem is to use the Respondent ID column.
The Respondent ID column is a unique identifier for each respondent in Microsoft Forms. You can use this column to filter the responses in Excel and identify which responses belong to which respondent.
To do this, follow these steps:- Open the Excel workbook containing the Microsoft Forms responses.
- Select the Respondent ID column.
- Click on the Filter button (the funnel icon).
- In the Filter dialog box, enter the Respondent ID for the respondent whose responses you want to view. Then, click on the OK button.
Excel will filter the data to only show the responses that belong to the selected respondent.
For example, let's say you have the following responses in your Excel workbook:
Respondent ID Question 1 Question 21 Blue Red 1 Green Purple 2 Yellow Orange 2 Black White If you want to view the responses for John Smith (Respondent ID 1), you would select the Respondent ID column and then click on the Filter button. In the Filter dialog box, you would enter "1" and then click on the OK button.
Excel would then filter the data to only show the following responses:
Respondent ID Question 1 Question 21 Blue Red 1 Green Purple You can use this same method to identify the responses for any respondent or group of respondents.
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Kindest regards,
Leon Pavesic
(LinkedIn)- snehlatagiriCopper Contributor
LeonPavesic sorry but this is not what I am looking for. Like i said i have duplicate questions which are part of different likerts. So the problem is when I download the response the heading of the likert is not there. its just the questions are there with numeric value appended. So if I have asked to rate the color "Red" twice in my form response I get back is Red, Red1, Red2 and so on. So I want to see the likert heading as well. Is it possible to do that?
- LeonPavesicSilver Contributor
Hi snehlatagiri,
thanks for your response, I understand your problem now.
Unfortunately, there is no way to automatically include the question headings in the Excel export of Microsoft Forms responses, so you can do it manually, but it can be time-consuming if you have a lot of questions in your form.
To do this, simply open the Excel workbook and type the question headings into the first row of the spreadsheet. Then, you can copy and paste the responses below the question headings.Please click Mark as Best Response & Like if my post helped you to solve your issue.
This will help others to find the correct solution easily. It also closes the item.If the post was useful in other ways, please consider giving it Like.
Kindest regards,
Leon Pavesic