Forum Discussion
Updates in the confirmation emails
Regarding the problem that my customers were experiencing in May 2022 where their choices in the custom fields were not showing up correctly in the confirmation emails; I didn't get any reply or see anybody else reporting the same problem. But I think this feature has been disabled for the last 4 months so that maybe explains things there.
I still think that it is important to know exactly what has changed in the Bookings program and I still don't think this information is really available anywhere. My only option has been to regularly check the user experience for any new undocumented changes. At the end of August there was still no information about the custom fields in the confirmation emails that the customers receive. This means that sometime within the last week this feature must have been activated again and the problem must have been fixed now because the user now sees the correct choices in the confirmation emails! I've tested it on two different bookings calendars and it seems to work without any problems!
For reference, I've included an image below from one of the tests I've done to show what the new user experience looks like in the confirmation emails. There is a new section called "Your details" and there the user will see your questions from your custom fields and whatever choices the user has made:
I'm really glad this feature has finally been fixed and included in Bookings! I think it will really improve the experience for the users now that they can see what they selected when they made a booking.