Forum Discussion
Personal / Predictable URL for Bookings Page
I'm developing a org-wide email signature using the service from CodeTwo. The signature includes name, email, phone, etc., as well as links to start a call or chat with someone via Teams. I've also added a URL link to create a booking in Calendy which looks something (predictable) like{First name}{Last name}/30min.
I've just created my first Bookings page and see the URL looks (unpredictably) like . com?anonymous&ep=plink
I'd like to use Bookings instead of Calendly but I don't know how I'd be able to grab what I assume is a GUID to dynamically populate the URL in the CodeTwo signature.
Even if I can find or predict the GUID, putting this into CodeTwo as a Placeholder is going to be challenging. But I'll get to that later. First, I'd like to know if this number is randomly generated based on the creation of the Bookings Page or if it's a static predictable ID I could find someplace. I'm thinking I could populate this into a Custom Attribute - but again, I'll have to worry about that later.
- Here are instructions on how you can integrate Bookings with me with CodeTwo: . If there's anything missing or if see any room for improvement, reach out to me and I'll make sure to update the guide.
- andresmmujicaCopper ContributorDid you find any way to do this???
- Adam_AardvarkIron Contributor
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use Microsoft Bookings links in CodeTwo.
- Anthony-123Iron Contributor
The instructions you've provided are in regard to using a Shared Bookings Calendar or creating new calendars for specific people/groups; not the Bookings page for an individual user. I presume(?) every user has their own Bookings page (without having to create one) and I want to know the GUID in this link. domain . com?anonymous&ep=plink to use as a placeholder.
It's possible that I'm trying to use Bookings incorrectly. I just want a simple link to schedule individual meetings. So if someone wants me to help them with a SharePoint concern or a client wants to schedule a call with a salesperson, etc. It's a shame Microsoft happens to be one of the worst platforms for calendars (and more).
I've reached out to CodeTwo support noting my concerns with their instruction page. Will update if I get anything promising.
- MrMrknCopper ContributorAny news on this? I also would very much like to use this feature.