Forum Discussion

Rhys_hill's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 06, 2020

Block my bookings when a colleague is busy

Hi, i have a small team and as such we cover each other’s roles despite having defined positions.

I deal mainly with support and my colleague deals manky with implementation so i have set up two booking pages one for existing clients “support” and one for new clients “demonstrations” and all is well with that but ideally if my colleague gets a booking for a demo i would need to block my schedule for that time also as i would need to be free to deal with anything that came in during that time and vice verser if i had a meeting they would need to be free to support.

Perhaps there’s a way do to this through outlook or power automate? i’m just looking for ideas really.
  • MitchS-SE's avatar
    Brass Contributor


    You can assign more than one staff member to a service within the Bookings Services page. So both you and your partner could be cross-scheduled (and therefore have your calendar blocked) for every appointment.

      • MitchS-SE's avatar
        Brass Contributor


        1. On the left-hand menu, click on "Services",
        2. then on the right, click on the service you want to assign staff to,
        3. then on the far right-click to select however many staff you'd like,
        4. then scroll down and clear the checkbox to allow the customer to choose which staff member/specific person to attend to them (this way they can't deselect either of you).
        5. Then save and you should be good to go.

          That should do it. Hopefully, it's at least partially what you're looking for.

