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Apr 22, 2022

New Blog Post | Microsoft Defender Weekly Wrap - Issue #22

Microsoft Defender Weekly Wrap - Issue #22 | Revue (


Happy Friday everyone! Thanks to everyone that’s been here for a while and welcome to all the new subscribers this week.
Before getting into the content of the newsletter, there’s a few things to highlight…
This week we added yet another Ninja training to the burgeoning pile of learning and assessments. This one is for Communication Compliance. So, if you’re like me and have fun trying to collect all the Ninja certificates, this is a not miss opportunity for yet another one.
If you’ve not seen the full list of Ninja trainings yet, check out: All the Microsoft Ninja Training I Know About
For those that have been following along with the Must Learn KQL learning series and how it’s being shaped and formed into different iterations, it’s now being turned into a sort of study on how to create engaging learning content.
A couple of my colleagues (Pieter de Bruin and Sherry List) are working on this for delivery at the Azure Lowlands event in June.
Here’s the abstract…
From enthusiast to authority: the educational journey of Must Learn KQL
When monitoring Azure solutions and security you are going to use kusto query language, which is relatively and can be intimidating. But fear not, there is help: In this session we dive into learning KQL through the MustLearnKQL project that contains blog posts, a book, videos, a certification and a podcast. We will also discuss how educating others by creating technical content like this, can help you grow, build a community and have fun along the way.
Pretty neat to see my creation take on such a life of its own!
Well, we made it. Myself and my colleagues kicked off the inaugural episode of the Microsoft Security Insights show on Microsoft Reactor Wednesday evening. The show was a good one. Some of you showed up for the live event and provided commentary and questions. I hope you enjoyed listening and watching.
For those that missed it, the replay is available now. With Matt Soseman as our guest, the conversation turned to the obvious topics of Zero Trust and Identity security. Each time I talk to Matt, I feel like I’m smarter afterward. And I know you’ll feel that way, too.
Catch the latest episode here:
And you can prepare now for our next Microsoft Reactor episode on May 25th when our good friend and Microsoft Sentinel PM, Jing Nghik will be on.
You can jump out and set a reminder to tune in here:
I hope you all have a great weekend and an awesome week ahead.
Talk soon.


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