Forum Discussion

PatrickF11's avatar
Steel Contributor
Dec 10, 2019

OneDrive - Configure team site libraries to sync automatically



i would like to use the possibility to sync SharePoint libraries automatically.


Therefore I've already created a new profile (type: administrative template) and set the "Configure team site libraries to sync automatically" setting. (Enabled, a Display Name, and the Value)

I've found out the library ID as described here via "copy library id" within a SharePoint website. (Click on "syncronize" and then select "copy library id".


At my administrative templates profile i've put the whole string copied before into the value.


Unfortunately this isn't working. The profile is applied correctly, but the OneDrive client isn't syncronizing.


That's why i dived deeper into the registry:


At this point I've found the applied setting, so the client is receiving this setting.

By the way: I also tried converting the string i got from the "copy library id" as i was told to here.


Any idea, why this isn't working?




  • john kenny's avatar
    john kenny
    Copper Contributor

    I came across this post after searching for my sharepoint site sync problem, I have the intune profile setup which works but I've since found this works once per machine, if onedrive is reset or the library unsynced the site sync won't reapply again which I've found very inconvenient. The only way I've found to resolve this is to create a new configuration profile with the same settings in. Anyway I would have assumed that the profile settings would run again on next login etc, but from my findings so far it seems its a one time application per config profile the first sync to a machine. I'd be interested to hear others findings on this topic, until I find my assumptions wrong I'll find another method to sync sharepoint site libraries each login etc most likely using Powershell. 

    • mark_stable's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thinking it's onetime only -trying that out for me. I was convinced I'd got it going on a test machine. reset onedrive and it's not happening.
  • GGotay's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    I have this working in my environment. The policy I have has the two configured below.


    Configure team site libraries to sync automatically (USER)Enabled 
    Use OneDrive Files On-Demand (DEVICE)Enabled
    Once your devices sync with Intune you should see your libraries show in this Registry:
    My understanding is that the up to 8 hour wait period begins when OneDrive does it's next sync, and it has received the above registry key.  We've been more successful in speeding things up by signing out of OneDrive and then back in to start the "timer".
    Also, there is a 5000 item limit per library and 1000 device limit per policy.  This is a problem for larger companies that will need to be looked into.  However, you can break up your libraries so it stays under the content limit.  Trying to create multiple policies to get around the device limit in Intune won't work either, because you cannot have 2 policies affecting the same target.  Meaning, if users have to access libraries in another policy it ain't happening.  
    • AsTheCrowFlew's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      GGotay Are you applying the admin template to a user group or a device group?  What happens if you have a common area machine where different user logins might run in conflict with the libraries you specified in the "Configure team site libraries" key?

      • GGotay's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        AsTheCrowFlew it is targeting a user group.  The Files on Demand policy still applies (although this should probably be applied with your OneDrive Admin Template for good hygiene).   


        I listed all of the libraries in one admin template policy. The registry changes in the Current User so if another user logs into that same machine it will still apply to the new user (given time restraints).  The user will only be able to access the library content they have privilege to.


        I will note though that if your users have list access to see the top level folder then there will be a lot of libraries showing even if the content isn't viewable due to access restriction.  We are currently trying to tweak this now so that only the libraries you have access to show up in your File Explorer.

    • NNarayanan19's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      This was very helpful! The character limit meant that syncing Teams libraries would not apply until applying the fix above.
  • PatrickF11's avatar
    Steel Contributor
    By the way: a waiting time over 8 hours didn't work either. (as advised by Microsoft)
      • PatrickF11's avatar
        Steel Contributor

        Hi Thijs Lecomte 


        Thank you for the link.

        Everyhting I've read so far was about "it's working".

        It seems to bee a timing problem / bug.

        "might work... or not".

        This is of course inacceptable.
