Forum Discussion

nhtkid's avatar
Iron Contributor
May 31, 2020

Sticky Notes appear blank screen after Office 365 sign-in

Dear All,


Since about one week ago, I can't use the Windows 10 Sticky Notes anymore. Every time I sign in with the O365 account, it appears blank with a white page. If I reset the app from "App and Features", I get log out of the Sticky, if I sign in again, same thing happens.

But I can access the Sticky from my phone via the OneNote app, all data are there and accessible.


Is it a Windows 10 Sticky client problem or some kind of MAM policies from Intune blocking the App for Windows 10 devices?


Thank you all.

  • ShawnLouis's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    I have fixed the Microsoft Office blank sign-in screen problem easily. SL 20-07-2023


    1. Create a folder on your hard drive and name it ODT. For this example, we'll create it on the c:\ drive, like so: c:\ODT.
    2. Download the Microsoft 365 Deployment Tool from the Microsoft Download Center. Select Save As and save it to your downloads folder.
    3. In your downloads folder, double-click the Office Deployment Tool exe file to install it.
    4. If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Yes.
    5. Accept the Microsoft Software License Terms, and then click Continue.
    6. In the Browse for Folder dialog, select the ODT folder you created in earlier, and then click OK.


    1. Click the Windows button type CMD, open the "Command Prompt" .
    2. When the black window opens type: 

    c:\odt\setup.exe /configure configuration-Office365-x64.xml

    1. Hit Enter
    2. If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Yes.
    3. The install/repair should begin.
    4. Once complete the Problem is Solved. 
    5. Remember to thank Shawn Louis


  • _progtastic_'s avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Hello. I was getting irritated by the exact same problem and tried all the things you did. I happened to install the latest version of Edge browser yesterday and I have my Sticky Notes list back now. Can't tell you how or why but it just started working immediately after the update.

  • scottfox2060's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    nhtkid Just go to apps and features, and under Sticky Notes click advanced features. Then click the option that says reset. It won't delete any notes since it is synched to the users 365 account. Worked for me. 

  • WesleyWoppits's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I have a very similar issue as well. I just upgraded from LTSB to LTSC last night and Sticky Notes' menu screen is just a white box after sign-in. It can't be closed and won't go away. As a note, it was not a clean install, however, others in the group have performed the same upgrade and their Notes work just fine.


    I can use the notes themselves, including making new ones and closing current ones (however, if I close ALL of them, I can no longer open new ones because the settings menu does not function - I have to Reset the app to get one to open). The app also can't be uninstalled without using PowerShell to do it, which I've reinstalled it several times. With that big white blank settings box there at all times, it's super annoying to use. Hopefully we find a fix soon. I'll keep working on it.

  • MUlanowski's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I have around 10 cases since last Friday.
    We applied no additional patches, nor changed GPOs on those machines. Random locations, random hardware.
    I went through most of them with:
    1. Relogging to app.
    2. App reset.
    3. App reinstallation.
    4. Exchanging files from machine that runs app.

    None worked. Indeed the problem occurs just after login. Can't login different user on same machine due to policies. However for many people the web access works BUT we already have 2 that lost even that data.

  • jelsco's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    Same here, we have one user reporting it. I know they ran updates late last week then rebooted this morning. Resetting the app did not seem to resolve anything either.

  • zjuelInclusa's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I started seeing this same issue on Friday, but only happening on one computer.


    Edit 2: You can still access your synced notes either through the mobile app Microsoft OneNote (bottom right button from app), or online at


    Edit: We tried uninstalling it from Powershell and reinstalling after the app finished being removed, but no luck. Even deleted the local install and cache did nothing (make sure to backup if not stored in cloud). Other logins on this machine are experiencing the problem, but logging in from on computers gives them access (so it is machine specific).


    The user we're seeing this issue with was having Windows updates that keep failing, so they're several Win10 versions behind.


    This issue has also been reported over on

