Nov 12, 2019Copper Contributor
How to bulk add external recipients to an Office365 Distribution List?
I'm trying to add our email addresses (external addresses) to a Distribution List in Office365.
I've followed this link and got to #2 in the powershell code below. However, in powershell I am getting the error message The '<' operator is reserved for future use , after I paste line 2. Any ideas?
- $Members = Import-Csv D:\ExternalContacts.csv
- $Members | ForEach {Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity <TestDL> -Member $_.DisplayName}
- Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity <TestDL>
- That cmdlet is gathering the data from Displayname column from the CSV (-Member $_.DisplayName), you will need to change the column or the script.
$Members | ForEach {Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity TestDL -Member $_.ExternalEmailAddress}