Forum Discussion

  • Fixxser2's avatar
    Brass Contributor


    Also check if the account is registered as an alias with

    If going to live,com, enter account, and it ask for a password, then there is good odds the account exist on the private side.  You need the live account password.  I do not know what to do if you don't have it.

    • MVPromise's avatar
      Brass Contributor


      Joe Stocker 


      thanks for your support.


      I was able to resolve it by renaming the folder on registry to .old





      • MechaPumpkin's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Thank you for this. All other solutions were extremely time consuming, and this problem is actually quite common. I think it has something to do with using Microsoft products on a non-Azure computer user account, when the Office 365 user is also an Azure user. You should be able to do that without issue, but I've run into this a lot. This seems to have solved the authentication issue. I should also mention, this computer had an old install of Office 2016 Home and Business installed previously.
  • Joe Stocker's avatar
    Joe Stocker
    Bronze Contributor
    Check to make sure your Office 365 account is active, and that a license is assigned.
