Forum Discussion

Martin Front's avatar
Martin Front
Brass Contributor
Nov 27, 2018

Dkim with multiple domains in Office 365



I´m about to implement DKIM and DMARC in to an orginzation with multiple domains (7).

Every user uses the same domain name but it´s some shared mailboxes which can have different domain names.


As i read some posts where some has experienced issues with DKIM and shared mailboxes in Office 365 I have not activated it on the domains yet.



- Is it any issue to use shared mailboxes when you activate DKIM?

- Can I set up DKIM only for one domain or i need to set it up on every domain in the tenant? (If I´m not are goin to use DKIM features on the other domains

- Is it anything else that can be tricky with DKIM/Dmarc when you´ve multiple domains or can i as send mail from a shared mailbox named:


I have populated the cname-record but not activated it yet since i need an answer on the questions above.



  • Hi Martin,


    No worries, glad I could help. If you did want to run a quick check you can run:


    Get-Mailbox |Select DisplayName, GrantSendOnBehalfTo


    It should give you an output like in the attached picture.


    Take care,



  • Yes I remember the issue - SendAs works but SendonBehalfOf failed as the DKIM generation was incorrectly set. I believe this was raised to Microsoft and resolved - but I haven't seen any further information on it since. Do you have SendonBehalfOf utilised a lot in your Org?
    • Martin Front's avatar
      Martin Front
      Brass Contributor

      As i know, they are not working with sendasbehalf, so it shouldn´t be any issue then!


      Thanks for the clarification!

      • Oliver Moazzezi's avatar
        Oliver Moazzezi
        Brass Contributor

        Hi Martin,


        No worries, glad I could help. If you did want to run a quick check you can run:


        Get-Mailbox |Select DisplayName, GrantSendOnBehalfTo


        It should give you an output like in the attached picture.


        Take care,



  • Hi there,


    You can enable DKIM on select domains yes. You do not have to bulk enable all domains.


    I am aware of the initial dkim issue for shared mailboxes when the DKIM service was made available in Exchange Online. I believe this is now resolved however. To enable DKIM on a per domain basis simply select 'enable' and ensure you setup the associated CNAME record.


    More information:

    • Martin Front's avatar
      Martin Front
      Brass Contributor



      Thanks for the answer.

      Okej, so DKIM checks will be legit even if you send from a shared malbox?


      As i understood, sendas should work, sendonbehalf is worse?
