Forum Discussion
Feb 08, 2024Copper Contributor
Very old Excel Files: Excel1 can't be read with my old Performa 475. Any ideas?
I have really old mac floppies from 1987 to 1990, containing data of sampling etc. I was able last week to activate an old Performa 475 which can read these old floppies. However, this Performa has E...
Feb 08, 2024Silver Contributor
Have you tried to open the file in openOffice?
Feb 08, 2024Copper Contributor
Hello Jan
as I have not installed openOffice on my laptop, I did not try your solution. I have only MS-Office professional installed.
May be should follow once your hint, but hope installation will not take too long with my Windows10 Acer laptop. Anyway, tank you for this first potential solution.