Forum Discussion
Sorting differences on PC vs Mac
- Riny_van_EekelenJul 21, 2022Platinum Contributor
happylinenco Both my Mac and PC sort these text exactly the same, namely how you mentioned it in your example for the Mac. "A-WB" sorts before "A-WBC" as it should.
- happylinencoJul 21, 2022Copper Contributor
Please could you try the following in that case. I can see the A- example is working correctly, so maybe this wasn't the best example. Below is the actual product names which are being sorted differently. The WB and WBC versions are being sorted differently on PC and Mac.
CASTLEUNICORN-PNK-PJS-HL03-45- Riny_van_EekelenJul 21, 2022Platinum Contributor
happylinenco Ah, I see. Get the same result and can't explain why. The "-023" should not affect that.
WB-H consists of character codes 87, 66, 45 and 72 (both on Mac an PC)
WBC- consists of character codes 87, 66, 67 and 45 (both on Mac an PC)
When sorting, WB-H should become before WBC-, just like the Mac does it. On my PC it gets sorted incorrectly. Haven't been a PC user very long, and never came across (or noticed) this issue. Looks like a bug in the PC version.