Forum Discussion

Tryn_Limpa-Amara's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 07, 2024

Setting up Custom Shortcut for Wrap Text

Hi, I have been working on a project that require a lengthy text on each cell and I have been moving my hand back and forth for the mouse and it doesn't provide that much of convenience. Is there any way that I can setup the Keyboard Shortcut for Wrap Text and or is there one that I don't know.



Thanks in advance guys!

  • Tryn_Limpa-Amara 
    You have two options:
    1. by pressing Alt+H+W (press each key sequentially not simultaneously)
    2. making a macro then assign a key for them (i would suggest the option 1)
    Sub WrapText()
    Selection.WrapText = True
    End Sub
    then pressing Alt+F8 to open Macro dialog box, Select WrapText, click 'Options' then enter the desired to key to run it (eg. W)
    by pressing Ctrl+W it will run the macro WrapText.

  • Rodrigo_'s avatar
    Steel Contributor

    You have two options:
    1. by pressing Alt+H+W (press each key sequentially not simultaneously)
    2. making a macro then assign a key for them (i would suggest the option 1)
    Sub WrapText()
    Selection.WrapText = True
    End Sub
    then pressing Alt+F8 to open Macro dialog box, Select WrapText, click 'Options' then enter the desired to key to run it (eg. W)
    by pressing Ctrl+W it will run the macro WrapText.
