Forum Discussion

monkeegirl113's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 05, 2025

Populating a table based on data in another table


I'm creating a personal budget sheet where i have one tab that tracks all transactions (example entries below). This tab will have ALL transactions. 

I'd like to have a summary tab where I show calculations and graphs based on a selected year and month.


Is it possible to filter for year and month and display those transactions only in the summary tab?

The issue i'm having is if i use the FILTER function, it doesn't return an array so I can't reference the table again for something else. I also can't filter for both year and month, i've only been able to filter for one or the other with this function.




  • Let's say the budget data are in B3:E1000 on a sheet named Budget Sheet.

    On the Summary sheet, the year is in B4 and the month is in D4.

    The following formula returns the filtered data:

    =FILTER('Budget Sheet'!B3:E1000, TEXT('Budget Sheet'!B3:B1000, "mmmmyyyy")=D4&B4, "No Match")
