Forum Discussion

ritagcruz's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 25, 2024



When will this new function be available and which name it will have in Excel for Portugal?

Best regards.

  • ritagcruz 

    PIVOTBY and GROUPBY are currently being beta-tested. Microsoft doesn't announce in advance when it will be released to the Current Channel, but I expect it to be in the first half of this year (2024).


    According to the current documentation, the function will be named PIVOTBY in the Portuguese version (see Função PIVOTBY), but that might change before the public release.

  • Lorenzo's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi ritagcruz 


    As of the day of this writting nothing is 100% set in stone. PIVOTBY & GROUPBY functions are still being being evaluated... Please, carefully read - until the end - the announcement

