Forum Discussion

listondavis's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 20, 2019

No setting default margins?

I noticed this note when perusing the help topic for page layout in Excel Office 365.


Note: Page margins that you define in a particular worksheet are stored with that worksheet when you save the workbook. You can't change the default page margins for new workbooks.


I am really curious why this feature would be taken away.  It seems short sighted to stop allowing users to set up their default template for office

    • listondavis's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Smitty Smith Page margins aren't included.  My OP was a direct quote from Microsoft Help in Excel, where they say that page margins can't be changed as a default setting.  Up until 2016 or so, that was not the case.


      Settings that you can save in a workbook or worksheet template

      • Cell and sheet formats.

      • Page formats and print area settings for each sheet.

      • Cell styles.

      • The number and type of sheets in a workbook.

      • Protected and hidden areas of the workbook. You can hide sheets, rows, and columns and prevent changes to worksheet cells.

      • Text you want to repeat, such as page headers and row and column labels.

      • Data, graphics, formulas, charts, and other information.

      • Data validation settings.

      • Macros, hyperlinks, and ActiveX controls on forms.

      • Workbook calculation options and window view options.

      • Smitty Smith's avatar
        Smitty Smith
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        listondavis Thanks for the heads up. I suppose an alternative would be to record a macro applying your page setup settings, then add that to your Personal.xlsb workbook. That way it will be available to any open workbook.
