Forum Discussion
No setting default margins?
listondavis You can apply all the custom settings you want, then save a template workbook.
See: Customize how Excel starts.
- listondavisOct 02, 2019Copper Contributor
Smitty Smith Page margins aren't included. My OP was a direct quote from Microsoft Help in Excel, where they say that page margins can't be changed as a default setting. Up until 2016 or so, that was not the case.
Settings that you can save in a workbook or worksheet template
Cell and sheet formats.
Page formats and print area settings for each sheet.
Cell styles.
The number and type of sheets in a workbook.
Protected and hidden areas of the workbook. You can hide sheets, rows, and columns and prevent changes to worksheet cells.
Text you want to repeat, such as page headers and row and column labels.
Data, graphics, formulas, charts, and other information.
Data validation settings.
Macros, hyperlinks, and ActiveX controls on forms.
Workbook calculation options and window view options.
- Smitty SmithOct 02, 2019Microsoft
listondavis Thanks for the heads up. I suppose an alternative would be to record a macro applying your page setup settings, then add that to your Personal.xlsb workbook. That way it will be available to any open workbook.
- listondavisOct 02, 2019Copper Contributor
Smitty Smith Fair point. While it's not ideal to lose the feature out of the box, this is a solution that works fine for me as I will extensively use VBA. Appreciate the workaround.