Forum Discussion

mjdapper's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 14, 2019

multiple cell color formatting

I'm wondering how to reformat the cell fill color across an entire sheet, i.e., I want to change all of the orange filled cells to blue.


I have excel for Mac 2018 v16.16.5 and don't see a find and replace option for this.


Is this supported by my current excel version?  Thanks.

  • I guess that shall work on Mac as well:


    Ctrl+H, expand Options, in Find what define the format to replace; in Replace with the format on which to change. Replace All after that.

    • mjdapper's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      No sorry, there's no option for this in the Mac version.

      • mjdapper's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Here the answer if anyone can use it.


        Run it in macros


        Sub ColorCoding()
        For Each sheet in Worksheets
        For Each rCell In sheet.Range("A3:CC500")
        If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 Then
        rCell.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 204, 153)
        ElseIf rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 33 Then
        rCell.Interior.Color = RGB(153, 204, 204)
        ElseIf rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 35 Then
        rCell.Interior.Color = RGB(204, 204, 153)
        End If
        Next rCell
        Next sheet
        End Sub
