Jul 16, 2024Iron Contributor
FILTER or any other solution function
Dear Experts,
I have a Data like below (attached file) :-
From the Sheet1, I need to generate a report as in the Desired Output sheet, first 2 rows populated for the reference,
Thanks in Advance,
anupambit1797 One possible dynamic array formula, tailored specifically to work with the layout and contents of the file provided:
=LET( data, TOCOL(Sheet1!A:A, 1), EXCL, LAMBDA(x,y, ISERR(SEARCH(x,y))), clean, REDUCE(FILTER(data, EXCL(":", data)), {"comb";"band"}, LAMBDA(a,v, LET( arr, TAKE(a,, 1), FILTER(HSTACK(a, SCAN("", arr, LAMBDA(p,c, IF(EXCL(v, c), p, c)))), EXCL(v, arr)) ) ) ), vals_keys, DROP(clean,, -1), bands, CHOOSECOLS(clean, 3), keyId, UNIQUE(CHOOSECOLS(clean, 2)), rowId, SEQUENCE(ROWS(keyId)), REDUCE(VSTACK("Band Combination", keyId), UNIQUE(bands), LAMBDA(a,v, LET( arr, FILTER(vals_keys, bands = v), rId, XMATCH(CHOOSECOLS(arr, 2), keyId), idCount, MAP(rowId, LAMBDA(id, SUM(--(id = rId)))), maxCount, MAX(idCount) + 1, newRows, maxCount - idCount, cols, SEQUENCE(, maxCount), resize, SORTBY( EXPAND(CHOOSECOLS(arr, 1), ROWS(arr) + SUM(newRows),, ""), VSTACK(rId, TOCOL(IFS(newRows >= cols, rowId), 2)) ), HSTACK(a, VSTACK(EXPAND(v,, maxCount, ""), WRAPROWS(resize, maxCount))) ) ) ) )
See attached...