Forum Discussion
Tania BĂ©lisle
Aug 20, 2018Copper Contributor
Excel changing value
Hello, i am using excel 2013 on a "excel 1997-2003" spreadsheet.
i have a simple formula with a simple result. result should be 3 decimals or 4, cant be any more. yet i notice that excel didnt round it up right. when I uped the number of decimals to 15-16 digit i noticed it changed my number.
value being calculated is as follow : =+ABS(((H24+H23)/2)-((N24+N23)/2))
H24: 2.561
H23: 2.575
N24: 2.584
N23: 2.593
answer is : 0.0205 i want only 3 decimals (should round off to 0.021) excel rounds it off to 0.020
if i up the number of digit it changes into 0,0204999999999997.
WHY???!!!! help please!
i wrote the the value it was supposed to be over the formula, but thats only a quick fix.
can someone help me? or at least explain
Thank you
Hi Tania,
That's the nature of floating point operations, see more at and you may find other articles.
To correct, round all intermediate calculations (that's what usual practice for accountants who use Excel) like
Hi Tania,
That's the nature of floating point operations, see more at and you may find other articles.
To correct, round all intermediate calculations (that's what usual practice for accountants who use Excel) like
- Tania BĂ©lisleCopper Contributor
THANK YOU!!!!! :)
now it makes sense!
i will modify my formulas
Tanks you very much for the quick answer
Tania, you are welcome