Forum Discussion

ingezwetsloot's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 15, 2024

Count unique values including specific character

Hi, please help... 


Which formula can I use to create the numbers in yellow?

From column A I would like to count the unique values containing a "P"

Thank you already for helping! :smile:


  • ingezwetsloot 

    In D3:


    In D4:


  • SaniGarba's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    I am sure there will be more elegant solutions out there, but this is mine:
    Create additional column B. It's ideal to turn the data into a table. In column B, which I call P VALUE, enter this formula: =LEN([@[TOP ID]]) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE([@[TOP ID]], "P","")). It will calculate the number of characters of each word (x), then calculate the number of characters that do not include "P" (y). Wherever x = y you get 0, else 1 indicating presence of "P". Now in say, Cell D, use the UNIQUE array formula on the entire table. This will give you two columns of 8 unique values.

    Then, in any two adjacent columns, for UNIQUE WITH P use the COUNTIF on the second column as follows: =COUNTIF(E2:E9,1) you will get 3; for UNIQUE WITHOUT P enter =COUNTIF(E2:E9,0) you will get 5.
  • djclements's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    ingezwetsloot In the interest of "best practices", it's generally not advisable to combine COUNTA with FILTER, because it's incapable of returning 0 when the FILTER function does not find any matching records. For example, if you were to count unique values containing "Z" in this same scenario, it would return 1 even though no records contain the letter "Z". There are plenty of documented workarounds (e.g. using IFERROR and ROWS instead of COUNTA); however, in this particular scenario, you could also try either of the following...


    //unique count containing "P" (not case-sensitive)
    //unique count does not contain "P" (not case-sensitive)
    =SUM(N(ISERR(SEARCH("p", UNIQUE(A2:A18)))))
    //unique count containing "P" (case-sensitive)
    //unique count does not contain "P" (case-sensitive)
    =SUM(N(ISERR(FIND("P", UNIQUE(A2:A18)))))


