Forum Discussion
Aug 28, 2020Copper Contributor
checking postcode is on a list formula
I am trying to get a formula that will check an entry in column E is on a list and answer yes or no. This is a form where a postcode will be entered and if it is on a list of 3190 entries held on "D...
Aug 29, 2020Platinum Contributor
Sep 01, 2020Copper Contributor
Riny_van_Eekelen Thank you, got this one to work but now i am getting all false results even when i type the top item from the list, any ideas how to get true? I have even copied and pasted from the list to get it exact but still get false.
- Riny_van_EekelenSep 01, 2020Platinum Contributor
Jolange Can't tell without seeing. I suspect that you are not finding exact matches due to trailing or leading spaces. What if you copy the first item of the list to the cell that should be matched?