Forum Discussion
Hi, there a way to change the image on userform when i select another name on listbox?
I have a shape that change on the worksheet when i select a name on listbox, but on Userform only change when i initialize.
The images are in another tab.
Here the code on the project:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim cObj As ChartObject, iPath
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Imagem 1")
Set cObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(.Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
.Copy: cObj.Select: cObj.Chart.Paste
iPath = Environ("Temp") & "\" & Format(Now, "hhmmss") & ".jpg"
cObj.Chart.Export iPath
End With
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(iPath)
End Sub
Excel 365, Windows, System 64, Notebook
- AlikocIron Contributor
Yes it is possible.
To dynamically change the image on a UserForm when a new name is selected from a ListBox in Excel, you need to use an event that triggers every time a selection is made in the ListBox, rather than initializing the image only once in UserForm_Initialize.
The corrected version of the code is as attached. I would be happy if you test and give information and mark it as an answer.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Populate the ListBox with names (or IDs) from the worksheet or directly
With ListBox1
.AddItem "Name1"
.AddItem "Name2"
' Add as many items as needed, or load dynamically from a range
End With
End SubPrivate Sub ListBox1_Change()
Dim selectedName As String
Dim imagePath As String
' Get the selected name from the ListBox
selectedName = ListBox1.Value
' Determine the path of the image based on the selected name
' Assuming you have a naming convention for your images
imagePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Images\" & selectedName & ".jpg" ' Adjust the path as needed
' Load the image into the Image control
If Dir(imagePath) <> "" Then
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(imagePath)
MsgBox "Image not found for " & selectedName, vbExclamation
End If
End SubBest Regards,
Ali Koc
- WLLIANBrass Contributor
" imagePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Images\" & selectedName & ".jpg" ' Adjust the path as needed"
I dont think this is it.
The images are in the file, in another tab.
This you are telling to bring the images from a folder, right?I want to load the image shape to image object on userform, then when i select another name change the image automatic.
thanks dude.
- AlikocIron Contributor
Since the images are in another worksheet within the same Excel file, you can use VBA to copy the image from the worksheet into the UserForm’s Image control dynamically based on the selected item in the ListBox.
There are some points you should pay attention to.
Ensure Each Image Has a Unique Name: On the worksheet with the images, each image should have a unique name that corresponds to the names in the ListBox.
Modify the UserForm Code: Use the ListBox1_Change event to load the corresponding image into the Image control on the UserForm.
Can you try the command like this?
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ' Populate the ListBox with names (or IDs) from the worksheet or directly With ListBox1 .AddItem "Name1" .AddItem "Name2" ' Add as many items as needed, or load dynamically from a range End With End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Change() Dim selectedName As String Dim ws As Worksheet Dim imgShape As Shape ' Set the worksheet where images are stored Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ImagesSheet") ' Replace "ImagesSheet" with your actual sheet name ' Get the selected name from the ListBox selectedName = ListBox1.Value ' Try to find the shape with the same name as selected in the ListBox On Error Resume Next Set imgShape = ws.Shapes(selectedName) On Error GoTo 0 ' If the shape exists, load it into the Image control on the UserForm If Not imgShape Is Nothing Then ' Export the shape as a temporary image Dim tempPath As String tempPath = Environ("TEMP") & "\" & selectedName & ".jpg" imgShape.Copy ws.Paste ws.Shapes(ws.Shapes.Count).Export tempPath ws.Shapes(ws.Shapes.Count).Delete ' Load the exported image into the Image control Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(tempPath) ' Optionally delete the temporary file if you want Kill tempPath Else MsgBox "Image not found for " & selectedName, vbExclamation End If End Sub
Best Regards,
Ali Koc