Forum Discussion

Roger Albrecht's avatar
Roger Albrecht
Copper Contributor
Nov 01, 2018

Budget Issues with Bank Loans etc.

Dear all,


I have a issue with my spreadsheet. It is a big budget for a 10 year period...

I have just take a few rows from the spreadsheet and attached it here.

In the document I have tried to explain my need in the example.

I also paste the text here, below.


Looking forward to youre valuable help,




In the example I sell rooms. I have two rooms per one units.

When client want to rent rooms from me I add number of rooms he/she need in row 8.

In row 9 I can see how many units it will be needed.


In G11 I can add my percent of clients need. In example I get the whole deal.

Therefore 100 %.


In Janyary clients need 84 units (168 rooms) and I need therefore to delivery 84 units in January (K15). In April clients wants 200 rooms, so I need to build 16 more units (N15).

(84 room units x 2 rooms per units = 168 rooms + another 16 room units x 2 rooms per units = 32 rooms. Total 168 + 32 = 200 rooms).

In August year 2 I need to add 50 more units (100 rooms) (AG15) and so on.


Issue 1:

I need to go to the bank to finance the project. But I do not want to loan money beforeI need them. So in I29 I have the total amount for the first purchase. Cell I29 picks the value from K15. Only. It will therefore be wrong amount of money I need to loan. I will need more money becouse N15 and AG15 and so on.



I need a multiple of different loans. Maybe up to five different loans.

Different loans will have different interests. And some of the loans will I not pay for the first year.

I will therefore be able to choose how many loans I will get from bank.

What intresest each and every loan will have.

I will also be able to choose how many years each loan will be.



Year 1: 0 kr Depreciation/Amortazition.

Year 2: 5 000 000 Depreciation/Amortazition.

Year 3: 10 000 000 Depreciation/Amortazition.

Year 4: 10 000 000 Depreciation/Amortazition.


As you can see from row 27 to 45 I have tried to solve the issues. But I do not succed in a good way.


Looking forward to you kind help and solutions.

Best regards,


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