Forum Discussion

Michiel Vervaart's avatar
Michiel Vervaart
Copper Contributor
Nov 03, 2017

Multifactor page doenst show users and i cant disable or manage any options. App passwords broken to

We are using Office365 for Business and i've enabled mfa for our employees yesterday. It worked fine for the first hour, but after a while some of the MFA pages in my admin panel or the users account stopped working.


We can set-up 2factor, but we cant create any new 'App passwords'.

On this page we get a hard error inside the browser:



When we try to disable mfa, the users arent listing on the following page:

The users arent listing and we cant modify any settings.



The problem we are having is that we cant generate App Passwords, which we need for Outlook and we cant disable mfa because of the users not listing in the admin center where we should be able to change mfa settings per user.


Is there something going on with this part of Azure or am i doing something wrong?



  • I opened a support ticket 2 days ago aswell, and their answer was that the problem still exists, but only in the Dutch version. So i changed my profile to English UK and the App Passwords page works again.



  • I opened a support ticket 2 days ago aswell, and their answer was that the problem still exists, but only in the Dutch version. So i changed my profile to English UK and the App Passwords page works again.



  • The MFA portal seems to work fine here, so it might have been a temporary issue. If it persists, go with @Salvatore's advise and open a support ticket.


    I just wanted to add that Outlook does not require app passwords anymore, just make sure you are using a recent version (2013 SP1+). And, that app passwords are bad, and you should not use them :)

    • Michiel Vervaart's avatar
      Michiel Vervaart
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Vasil,


      All my users were already using Outlook 2016 before we enabled MFA. Their own passwords dont work anymore (Outlook and their Mobile phones started needing a new password), but App Passwords do work. What do you advice to stop using App Passwords then?


      Thanks :)

      • VasilMichev's avatar

        Have you enabled Modern authentication in Exchange Online? Outlook does support MFA now, you don't have to use those **bleep** app passwords, but make sure it's all enabled on the server *and* client side.

    • Michiel Vervaart's avatar
      Michiel Vervaart
      Copper Contributor
      Hi thanks for your reply :)

      I have tried firefox, chrome and edge so far. All the same error.
