Forum Discussion
Error in adding new shared mailbox
I had the same problem Friday 11/03 and still have it this morning.
I'm currently preparing a brand new migration to Office 365 from Exchange 2013 with hybrid mode.
On Friday I tested my first migration of a test mailbox and had the same error message. I searched the web and found NOTHING.
This morning I serached the web and found your question... I was wondering what was wrong in my configuration but finally it may be a global problem on the cloud !??
Did you successed in migrations before friday ? For my part I experienced the problem on my first test migration so I'm uanble to tell if it was working before.
Do you have any more informations on your side about this problem ?
I'm sorry you have this problem but I'm also happy not to be alone ;)
Have a good day.
We started migration on Saturday morning. (Exchange 2010 to O365)
It worked well until noon (55 mailboxes were completed). It is then broken and can not be restarted or deleted. Nothing can do with it.