Forum Discussion

Tony2021's avatar
Steel Contributor
Oct 26, 2022

Open Subform to ID that's on an Unbound Main Form



I have an unbound form: frmFXTracker

On this unbound form I have a subform: frmFXParent


What I need to do is open this form FXTracker where the frmFXParent.txtIDFXParent = Me.txtIDFXParent (this txtIDFXParent is located on another form).  


I have the below code on a report (txtAmountORIG_Click) but I get a 2491 runtime error.  I have been trying to piece together code I found online and I know the code below is not correct and I think its the red text.  


this is on a report: 

Private Sub txtAmountORIG_Click()

       DoCmd.OpenForm "frmFXTracker", , , "Forms!  [frmFXTracker].frmFXParent.Form.txtIDFXParent=" & Me.txtIDFXParent

End Sub


thank you very much.

Let me know if any questions. 



  • Tony2021 

    here is a demo.

    open report Table1 (report view).

    then open frmFXTracker


    on the report click the amount textbox.

    did it go to the record on the subform?


    view the code on the textbox on report and also the code on the subform.

  • arnel_gp's avatar
    Steel Contributor

    pass your filter as OpenArgs parameter (not WhereClause), example:

    Private Sub txtAmountORIG_Click()
    DoCmd.OpenForm FormName := "frmFXTracker", OpenArgs := "txtIDFXParent=" & Me.txtIDFXParent
    End Sub

    Now open "frmFXTracker" form in desgin view and click on the subform.
    Add Code on it's Load Event, and add this code:

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim varFilter As Variant
    varFilter = Me.Parent.OpenArgs
    If IsNull(varFilter) = False Then
    Me.Filter = varFilter
    Me.FilterOn = True
    End If
    End Sub

    • Tony2021's avatar
      Steel Contributor


      Hi Arnel, thank you very much for the response.


      What if frmFXTracker is already open?   this is the case. 
      I am thinking I need to put the ON Load event in a different event?
      I tried On Activate but get an error (below). I dont think it would be ON Open either since its already open. Not sure about ON Current either since the form is already open.

      Let me know what you think. Maybe close the frmFXTracker and reopen? I imagine you have a better idea.   Let me know what you suggest.  


      frmFXTracker ON Activate: 


      thank you....

      • Tony2021's avatar
        Steel Contributor
        I do have a function to check if the form IsLoaded though:

        Function IsLoaded(ByVal strFormName As String) As Integer
        ' Returns True if the specified form is open in Form view or Datasheet view.

        Const conObjStateClosed = 0
        Const conDesignView = 0

        If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, strFormName) <> conObjStateClosed Then
        If Forms(strFormName).CurrentView <> conDesignView Then
        IsLoaded = True
        End If
        End If

        End Function
