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Black screen in emulator when I use MRTK3
Hi I have a problem with emulator. Screenshots: Unity - Scene mode Unity - Game mode Unity - Build Settings Visual Studio - run options Emulator HoloLens 2 - after successful deployment I don't see any blocks, just blackness. Why this is so and what to do to fix it? In MRTK2 I did not have such a problem, but in MRTK3 it does not workSolved74Views0likes1CommentWebXR broken
So sometimes I see this update notification in my Hololens 2 device, and as a nice user I do it. And usually this is when things start to stop working as they were. Today it's about WebXR samples that do not work anymore for immersive-ar sessions or immersive-vr sessions. According to this post it's been broken for some long time, and it's probably related to some Microsoft Edge update. The error in the developer console of Edge has no details, it just says "XR Session creation failed: the specified session configuration is not supported." Any MVP feedback on this would be very much appreciated please.Solved610Views0likes2CommentsUnity Development console cannot be disabled after deployed to Hololen2
The unity development console cannot be disabled. I have disabled development build and alway build in a release mode, but there is always a warning window on screen (Left-lower corner). The warnings are mainly about two thing: 1 the first is the a Unity connection TIME OUT WARNING (i guess it is trying to connect to a unity server or something), 2 the second warning is about the MRTK RIgiHand prefab: Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported in Unity 5. Now my project is on MRTK2.6.2, and my unity version is 2019.4.32 (plasticSCM enabled). Anyone who can help me out of this nightmare.... XPSolved729Views0likes1CommentMesh App not working
Hi guys, I'm facing an issue of not being able to connect to the server when loading up the Microsoft Mesh app. The message shows "Failed to connect to server". Things I've tried: - Changed the internet connection to a different wifi and phone hotspot - Reinstalled the Mesh app - Windows Update for the Hololens 2 - Factory Reset, logged in with a new user and attempted to start the app None of it worked, and the same error message persisted. Is anyone facing the same issue? Could it be that Microsoft stopped managing the server for the app? Any help is much appreciated. Thank you! Regards, HanSolved8.6KViews2likes18CommentsHololens2 Unity App is displayed in a 2D Window (MRTK Unity Version : 2020.3.28 f1)
Hi I have been trying to deploy to Hololens 2. But the app opens in a 2d window inside hololens. I am following the Hololens 2 fundamental tutorial here Versions are MRTK , Unity Version 2020.3.28 f1 , Visual Studio 2022 17.4 I have been deploying it as a remote machineSolved1.8KViews0likes1CommentHow to programmatically clear the down direction in Moving Platform Mode ?
Hi, I want to clear the gravity's down direction( programmatically through the app in C#. I am not able to find the relevant APIs. (note: there are apis for enabling/disabling the moving platform mode as described here: ). Thanks,Solved816Views0likes3CommentsHololens2-Unity project & build settings
I am following the instructions on this page to set up my Unity project for developing an app for Hololens2. Once I switched platform and saved the new settings, I was curious to see what changes had been made under the hood by looking at my SourceTree modified files, but there is none. Is this normal (i.e. are such settings supposed to be ignored) or there is something wrong with my gitignore file that stops these changes from being tracked and registered? I do not know where these settings would be stored. My guess would be in the XRSettings.asset file, but not sure at all. The command git check-ignore -v -- XRSettings.asset does not return anything... Where are the changes to Build Settings and Player Settings stored? Should they be kept under version control?Solved870Views0likes1Commentmicrosoft fragments
i have been searching high and low for the asobo studio's fragments, it's still in the microsoft store, but will not download. i consistently get the error no device detected... i have no trouble with any other download from the microsoft store, i can understand that hololens hit a wall, but it's previous creations should still be in existence., why has fragments, an amazing application btw, disappeared?Solved2KViews0likes2CommentsTrouble Factory Resetting Device
I received a Hololens 2 that was previously used by someone else. Their account is currently signed is so I have been trying to factory reset it following this guide provided by Microsoft here . However, when I trying to follow the "Clean-reflash" section it requires me to be signed in to perform the reset. This results in a chicken or the egg problem as I don't have access to the signed in account, but I am unable to reset the device to log into a new one. Are there any other reset options?Solved621Views0likes1CommentI want to stream the camera feed from a Tello drone to HoloLens
Hello, I am using the following tools: TelloforUnity MRTK v1.0.2104.3 Beta Unity 2019.4.28f1 I want to be able to see the drone's camera feed on hololens. Using only TelloforUnity I am able to see the camera feed on Unity when I start the Scene, but when I try to launch the project to Hololens all I am able to see is a white screen in the area where the video should have played. For anyone who is familiar with TelloforUnity, I created a new project, added the MRTK and I added the TelloVideo to my scene. The video works fine in Unity but not on Hololens. Any Ideas how to fix this issue or how to stream a video to Hololens?Solved3.5KViews0likes6CommentsHololens 2 App Installer Gone After Factory Reset
Hey all, I had an issue with my Hololens 2 so I ended up having to conduct a factory reset to attempt to get rid of the problem. However, the factory reset cleared out my app installer so it is now no longer on the device. I need to be able to use the app installer for the method of pushing out apps that I have been using. Has anybody else had this issue and does anybody know of a way to fix this?Solved1.1KViews0likes3CommentsHoloLens 2 Static IP without WiFi
I have a situation where I need to set a static IP address for a HoloLens 2 for a network that I am wired to through an Ethernet to USB-C dongle. The network is not using DHCP. The HoloLens 2 is provisioned to be an offline secure HoloLens (, so there is never the option of connecting to the target network wirelessly. I can only find options to set static IPs for the HoloLenses through the device portal if the network is available wirelessly. Even the Ethernet IP configuration settings are tied to specific network profiles and these profiles only show up for wireless networks. Any help here would be greatly appreciated, thanks!Solved2.1KViews0likes2Commentsmy deployed Appfolder is disappeared
hello, i did work with hololens, then of course with mrtk and ROS sharp,(Unity2018.3.8f1) and after final working i did deploy to App folder(Build). Deployed Appfolder is suddenly disappeared,(would not build) is it konwn issue? maybe who know, please just a tip. this is my final work at intership during 6months.. , i have to finish.. best regards chaebeom Park.Solved911Views0likes3CommentsMRTK Question: How to end a grab interaction via code?
I've been searching through the documentation and experimenting with several approaches, but I haven't been able to find an easy way to accomplish this. Say you have a cube with all of the script components attached to allow the user to grab the cube with either hand and move it around (Box Collider, NearInteractionGrabbable, Object Manipulator). How would you go about forcing the user to let go via code? Let's assume you've set a new Vector3 to the transform position on the cube to teleport the cube back to its starting location. How do you properly end the grab? What happens is that after changing the cube's position in code it flys back into the user's pinched fingers like they have Jedi powers I've tried two approaches so far to force the hand tracking to just let it go: Disabling the NearInteractionGrabbable and Object Manipulator script components on the cube and then re-enabling them. Changing the Manipulation Type property on the Object Manipulator to none (0). The problem is, the moment you either re-enable them or set the ManipulationType back to One and Two Handed... Force powers kick in and the cube flys back into your fingers. I'm assuming this is because both the disabling/re-enabling or setting to none/setting back to both hands is occuring within the same frame. So, the next thing I'm going to try is creating an action queue so that the re-enablement step (or setting ManipulationType back to both hands) occurs in the next frame. Any thoughts though? Is there some simple release() method that I'm overlooking?Solved1.2KViews0likes1CommentMRTK Error: Failed to load or retrieve the feature catalog.
I have the latest version of .NET, and I have made sure my internet is working. I have tried all 2019 Unity versions but none work. Here is the log file from a failed attempt: Mixed Reality Feature Tool 1.0.2103.1 Project Unity version 2019.4.19f1 [3/9/2021 6:39:25 AM] Refreshing feature catalog. [3/9/2021 6:39:26 AM] ERROR: Failed to get the feed data (System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException) The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. at System.Net.Http.ConnectHelper.EstablishSslConnectionAsyncCore(Boolean async, Stream stream, SslClientAuthenticationOptions sslOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.ConnectAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.CreateHttp11ConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.GetHttpConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.SendWithRetryAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, Boolean doRequestAuth, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.RedirectHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsyncCore(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpCompletionOption completionOption, Boolean async, Boolean emitTelemetryStartStop, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Microsoft.MixedReality.FeatureTool.AzureDevOps.AdoFeed.GetFeedInternalAsync[T](Uri uri) in D:\a\1\s\Source\AzureDevOps\AdoFeed.cs:line 129 [3/9/2021 6:39:26 AM] ERROR: Failed to load or retrieve the feature catalog.Solved2.5KViews0likes4CommentsHoloLens 2 Microphone Issues
Has anyone run into this? The microphone on my HoloLens 2 stopped working. Speech recognition is on. In the microphone settings, the mic is on and every app is enabled to use it. On the start menu, I can clearly see that it's picking up my audio. The volume level pick-up indicator in the icon responds to sound that it picks up... but, the microphone isn't working. Not just speech recognition, but even if I record a video - no audio from the mic. Or if I launch the voice recorder app... nothing is recorded. All OS and app updates are installed. I've powered it off and booted back up. Tried turning the mic off and rebooting (then turning it back on), etc. etc. I'm hesitant to factory reset the device because the mic is used during calibration/initial setup (if I recall).Solved2.6KViews0likes2CommentsUnable to get the last insider preview HoloLens OS version
Hello everyone, Happy new year, I wish you all the best for 2021. With the release of the last insider preview (20279.1006 ?) , who added Edge chromium for example, I was looking for getting my hand on this update but the HoloLens dosn't get any new Update. I already subscribed my device to the insider program in the dev channel. Does anyone know a solution about this issue? Thank you Quentin Louet GuérinSolved1.8KViews0likes5CommentsGamma/brightness wrong when using Unity with HDRP on Windows Mixed Reality
Hi I have a scene in Unity 2020, which I am trying to get working with Mixed Reality XR Plug-in. So far I imported MRTK, enabled "Windows Mixed Reality" in Project Settings -> XR Plug-in Management, got hmd position and controller input working again by following migration notes by Unity. I have an HP Reverb headset (gen 1). The problem I am facing right now is that scene looks visually different in HMD when working with Windows Mixed Reality natively. It is much darker than in editor window and overall ugly. If I switch to SteamVR plugin, the picture in the device looks exactly like it is supposed to look (using the exact same headset). Here is a screenshot of the problem: The scene is exactly the same, I used the camera rig that comes with MRTK in both cases, I didn't touch any of the settings (light, quality, render, HDRP,...), the only difference is in the XR Plug-in Management: Can you please point me to the right direction to solve this problem? Are there some settings that should be different for Mixed Reality to work correctly with HDRP? Thank you for your help.Solved3.5KViews0likes3CommentsQuestion about sharing an App being developed without deployment
Hi. I am currently developing a Hololens 2 App with VS2019 + Unity + MRTK. I test the App being developed by deploying it to Hololens 2 with VS 2019, but I'd like to let my team member who is not a programmer and works at a distant place also test it. Is there any way to let him install the App (via packaging and etc. ) to his Hololens 2 without the deployment process via VS2019?Solved898Views0likes3CommentsHelp with ASA on Unreal Engine
Hi All, I have been trying to get Azure Spatial Anchors working on Unreal Engine. As per the documentation found here, I tried configuring the session using the Account ID and Account Key. However, while trying to create a Spatial Anchor, I get the following error. Azure Spatial Anchors: RestClient::GetAccessTokenAsync - Unsuccessful getting access token! Azure Spatial Anchors: CreateNeighborhoodAnchorAndSpatialAnchorAsync - Token Provider Exception: 'Not authenticated to access the token service.' Azure Spatial Anchors: CreateNeighborhoodAnchorAndSpatialAnchor was unable to obtain an access token I double checked my Account ID and Account Key and and also verified that the session start succeeded.Solved1.1KViews0likes1Comment
Recent Blogs
- The final feature release for HoloLens 2 is now available! It's still 24H1, with an updated build number of 22621.1409. HoloLens 2 devices will continue receiving updates to address critical securi...Nov 12, 20241.1KViews2likes0Comments
- We are pleased to share that we have released Windows Holographic version 24H1! In this article, we'll cover the highlights of this release. If you are interested in full details, please check out ...May 14, 20249.7KViews2likes6Comments