57 TopicsOld file server still present in registry on user profiles
We are running FSLogix 2.9.8884.27471 on Server 2022. Our domain controllers are all Server 2022. We just migrated to a new file server. The Citrix profiles are stored on a completely different server; we have not changed the Citrix profile file server. We only changed/migrated the general file server used for general file storage. After we powered off the old file server, Citrix users complained of "slowness" when using File Explorer. We discovered that there are a bunch of references to the old file server in each user's FSLogix profile registry. If we mount the FSLogix profile, when a user is logged out, and delete the references from a user's profile registry, the "slowness" issues with File Explorer, are resolved. The registry entries that seem to be present in each user's profile are located in the following: HKU\FSL.VHD.****\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints 2 (there are a couple mount points still present for the old file server) HKU\FSL.VHD.****\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders (we use GPO to redirect a users "Favorites" folder - the old file server is still listed in the "Favorites" registry entry, even though the GPO is setup to point to the new file server) HKU\FSL.VHD.****\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders (we use GPO to redirect a users "Favorites" folder - the old file server is still listed in the "Favorites" registry entry, even though the GPO is setup to point to the new file server) When we delete the "Favorites" entries, we find that after a user logs in/out, the "Favorites" entry updates properly to the new file server path. We can also remedy the File Explorer "slowness" by simply powering on the old file server. Again, all of the sharing on the old file server has been disabled. So it seems like as long as a user can "ping" the old file server, then that's all FSLogix needs to ensure that File Explorer works. This issue does not occur on physical Windows computers/servers- only with with FSLogix profiles. Instead of either leaving on the old file server powered on, or manually editing the registry in each user's profile, is there a way to remove (or update) these registry entries that point to the old file server?215Views1like1CommentNew Teams not loading with FSLogix 2210 HF4, Horizon non-persistent VDI
Hi all, We've been testing the latest Teams 2.1 Bootstrapper on our non-persistent Horizon VDI machines but having issues once we bring FSLogix into the mix. We are able to deploy new Teams onto our base image and when using a local profile it launches and runs as expected from the shortcut in the Start Menu. Similarly on our physical PCs Classic Teams > New Teams upgrades without issue (we're not running FSLogix on physical machines... yet) When logging in with FSLogix enabled (frxtray shows version 2.9.8228.50276) the Teams shortcut is present, however clicking it produces a white progress bar and no further action. We have updated our Redirections.xml to one we found here Teams 2.1 with FSLogix setup guide – Jeff Riechers Technical Site If we look at the properties of the Windows Store App for Teams it returns 16KB, which seems wrong? Looking in Event Viewer AppxPackaging log we see this error, can't find much online relating to it. App manifest validation warning: Declared namespace http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/uap/windows10/7 is inapplicable, it will be ignored during manifest processing. I note from another thread that there's a GPO for ODFC called IncludeTeams that needs to be turned on to roam the new Teams cache etc. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/new-teams-vdi-requirements-deploy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\FSLogix\ODFC\IncludeTeams However we don't use ODFC as FSLogix is in single-profile mode as recommended here... Configure ODFC containers tutorial - FSLogix | Microsoft Learn Using the ODFC container in a dual container configuration isn't necessary or recommended. So my question is: does anyone have new Teams 2.1 working with FSLogix HF4 and single container profile? is ODFC required for Teams 2.1 to operate? If so is there any definitive MS documentation to say this as it seems rather vague and support are not giving us any further information has anyone got a stable non-persistent VDI desktop working with Teams 2.1 and FSLogix in general? Any input much appreciated as it feels like we've hit a wall here at present. The MS documentation suggests Hotfix 4 is meant to be the supported configuration for Teams 2.x but struggling to find evidence of a working setup. As an aside the reason we're running FSLogix in the first place is in order for OneDrive client to be deployed onto our non-persistent VDI machines as Microsoft don't support Roaming Profiles for this (which is what we used for roaming user data previously)1.7KViews0likes3CommentsFSLogix FontSmoothing Issue
I'm running into an issue where I can't get the fontsmoothing option to stay on when running FSLogix. If I stop both FSLogix services on the golden image of the VM then it stays but once I turn the FSLogix services back on that setting is reverted back. Anyone else run into this issue or have a solution?18Views0likes1CommentHow to fetch username or userEmail from userprofile details of FSLogix
Hi I am trying to fetch several details from FSLogix userprofile like disk size usage , last accessed date. I need to get user details as well like Username or UserEmail. Below is the PS Snippet that I am using. $Profiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $FileSharePath -Filter "*.VHDX" -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{ UserGPN = ($_.Name -split '_')[1].Split('.')[0] FileShareName = ($_.FullName -split '\\')[3] FileName = $_.Name TotalSizeInGB = $DriveSizeGB ConsumedSizeInGB = [math]::Round($_.Length / 1GB, 2) FilePath = $_.FullName CreationTimeUtc = $_.CreationTimeUtc.ToString() LastAccessTimeUtc = $_.LastAccessTimeUtc.ToString() LastWriteTimeUtc = $_.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToString() } } How can I get that ? Kindly help! Thanks Hirdesh320Views0likes3Comments[FSLogix & Citrix] How to save the profile data of account2 that was startet within my account1?
Hello, i am starting Citrix Workspaceapp with account1 which uses FSLogix. Within the Citrix workspace app i start a Citrix app with account2 in another user context. If possible, how can i configure FSLogix which is aware of account1 to save account2 as a FSLogix profile, too? Thanks in advance and kind regards BerndSolved318Views0likes4CommentsWindows Server 2022 and FSLogix profile roaming problems
Hello! Recently I've been tasked with enabling profile roaming between two Windows Server 2022 hosts, which are added to the same collection. Both of them are hosting internal developed app. After enabling fslogix on one of them, I've encountered some errors, users getting blocked from logging in. Those are the errors users are getting when trying to log in into the host that uses FSlogix: 1) Failed to acquire mutex for user: EXAMPLE-USER 2) Failed to acquired cleanup session registry lock for user EXAMPLE-USER (SID=S-1-5-21-1715567821-2139871995-725345543-32785) (Elapsed time: 60000) (The wait operation timed out.) User is from different domain that has Forest trust type set to Transitive. We have multiple domains accessing this VM and users from all of them are having the same problems when fslogix enabled on it. User has access to both VM and Azure Storage Account File share when profiles are being saved (both SMB and on Azure portal access) FSLogix policy is set like this: Policy Setting Comment Delete local profile when FSLogix Profile should apply Enabled Policy Enabled Enabled Policy Setting Comment Set Outlook cached mode on successful container attach Disabled Size in MBs Enabled Size in MBs 10000 Policy Setting Comment VHD location Enabled VHD location \\<example>.file.core.windows.net\profiles FSLogix/Profile Containers/Advancedhide Policy Setting Comment Keep local folder after user logs out Disabled Locked VHD retry count Enabled Locked VHD retry count 3 Policy Setting Comment Locked VHD retry interval Enabled Locked VHD retry interval 5 Policy Setting Comment Prevent login with failure Enabled Policy Setting Comment Prevent login with temporary profile Enabled Policy Setting Comment Redirect temporary file folders to local computer Enabled Redirect TEMP, TMP and INetCache to local drive Policy Setting Comment Remove Orphaned OST Files On Logoff Enabled FSLogix/Profile Containers/Container and Directory Naminghide Policy Setting Comment Swap directory name components Enabled Policy Setting Comment Virtual disk type Enabled VHDX Any ideas how to solve it or what might have caused it?3.8KViews1like2CommentsRoaming appdata using Fslogix
Hi, We are packaging applications to MSIX and deploying them in our Azure Virtual Desktop environment where we are using Fslogix for user profile roaming. From version 2210 (2.9.8361.52326) of Fslogix, the folders below are no longer being roamed: AppData\Local\Packages\*\AC AppData\Local\Packages\*\SystemAppData AppData\Local\Packages\*\LocalCache AppData\Local\Packages\*\TempState AppData\Local\Packages\*\AppData (Issues with AppX, MSIX or Microsoft store applications - FSLogix | Microsoft Learn) Many of our apps are saving user preferences and settings to these folders. The applications are third party made apps that we do not have the code for. This is causing issues for us as the user preferences/settings are not maintained after the logoff process. I have looked for ways around this, but have not been able to find any solutions so far. Has anyone else encountered this issue or does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you887Views0likes3CommentsNew Microsoft Teams on Citrix VDI (w/ FSLogix profiles)
Hello, we're trying to deploy the New Microsoft Teams in our infrastructure. Technical details: - Citrix CVAD 1912LTSR CU8 (VDAs are running 2311.0.0.247) - Windows 10 22H2 19045.4291 - Teams 24074.2321.2810.3500 - Citrix HDX Optimized - FSLogix 2210 hotfix 3 (2.9.8784.63912) - Machines are deployes using both PVS and MCS New Teams opens up, but the "Account/Status management" drop-down menu at the top-right of the MS Teams window disappears immediately. As a result, users can't manage their status and change their profile settings. Screenshot of what's missing: What MS Teams looks like in our Citrix VDI environment: Troubleshooting done so far: - New Teams re-deployment (completely uninstalled and installed) - Cache cleared - User profile (FSLogix) reset and re-created from scratch Any idea on what could be the cause of the issue? Thank you Zeno602Views0likes1CommentFSLogix Antivirus Exclusions with Standard Microsoft Image
I'm using one of the standard Microsoft images for my Azure AVD setup. The multi-session image is Windows 11 Enterprise with O365 and FSLogix pre-installed. I have setup the necessary GPO for FSLogix and all is working well. Can I assume that Microsoft already applied the necessary antivirus exclusions for FSLogix with Defender? Thanks.647Views0likes0Comments