Forum Discussion

Julia_Kerner's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 28, 2023

wrong A4 Layout in word on mac

my word documents don't have the correct Layout and sizing. the height of my document is showing as the height for an A4 paper, but in reality it's not the correct height. Which means I can't use the header and the whole upper part of a document is cut off. everything should be calibrated to the correct extend but it's still not working. 


Feedback and Help preferably in German 🙂 


ad picture: the Layout can't be changed and the right dimesions are chosen

  • Charles_Kenyon's avatar
    Bronze Contributor


    Hi Julia,


    I think I already answered, with a German translation, and somehow my response is deleted. I used Google translate for this; you can use that yourself.


    It looks to me like you have set Word to hide "white space."


    Here is a Windows version page about this.

    Elusive White Space by Suzanne Barnhill, MVP

    That page can also be translated.

    Even though it is for the Windows version, one thing that is the same in both the Windows and Mac versions is using the mouse-pointer to show and hide white space. That is covered toward the bottom of the page.


    Word > Preferences


  • Charles_Kenyon's avatar
    Bronze Contributor


    Hello Julia,

    I expect that you have display of "white space" turned off. This happens fairly easily with a stray mouse click.

    Here is a Windows page on this.

    Elusive White Space by Suzanne Barnhill, MVP

    Toward the bottom of the page it tells about getting the mouse pointer to change appearance and get the white space back. That works on a Mac as well.




    Hallo Julia,


    Ich gehe davon aus, dass Sie die Anzeige von "Leerraum" deaktiviert haben. Dies geschieht ziemlich einfach mit einem verirrten Mausklick. Hier ist eine Windows-Seite dazu. Schwer fassbarer weißer Raum von Suzanne Barnhill, MVP


    Unten auf der Seite wird gesagt, wie man den Mauszeiger dazu bringt, das Aussehen zu ändern und den weißen Raum zurück zu bekommen. Das funktioniert auch auf einem Mac.
