Aug 28 2020 11:23 AM
Hi all,
When I save a Word document as a PDF, it adds page breaks before certain cross references in both the output PDF and then original file.
My system and software information is included in the attached pictures, as well as the document that I am using (the first unanticipated page break is generated on page 18 (with reference to the written page numbers, not the system viewer page numbers), but enough occur throughout the document to add about a dozen pages. I've also included a series of screenshots with formatting shown of the before and after:
Finally, here's a video of the process in action:
Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading.
Sep 02 2020 04:34 AM
Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide that would be helpful!'
Sep 06 2020 03:37 AM
In Word, cross-references make use of hidden bookmarks that enclose each cross-referenced item. These hidden bookmarks have the same limitations as Word's "standard" bookmarks, that is, it is very easy to inadvertently add content inside the bookmark. This happens if you add any content, such as a page break, when the insertion point is at the beginning of the bookmarked paragraph. The easiest workaround is to delete and recreate the affected bookmarks.