Tech Community Live: Microsoft Intune
Oct 01 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

Windows 11 Freezing and Crashing Issue

Copper Contributor



I've been encountering persistent computer issues since transitioning from Windows 10 to a fresh installation of Windows 11. The problems arise in the form of random freezes, gradually locking up all functions. This occurs during various activities like watching videos, gaming, or simply reading. Typically, I use dual monitors with YouTube on one and a game/program on the other.


When the freezing starts, it initiates with windows and spreads to other programs. Although I can still interact in a limited manner, such as pressing buttons that respond but with no new loading, the system essentially becomes unresponsive. Ultimately, I'm forced to restart using the power button, as attempting a reset through Windows is ineffective.


The challenge lies in the lack of identifiable issues or errors in the Windows logbook, suggesting that the OS isn't detecting the problem. Despite trying various recommended solutions, like driver reinstalls and BIOS adjustments, the freezing persists, leaving me perplexed.


I seek assistance in identifying overlooked or missed details that may be causing these ongoing disruptions. Your insight and guidance would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to request additional information, and my system specs are also accessible on my profile for reference. 


Thank you in advance for any support you can offer.

2 Replies
Have you tried the Clean Boot?
If yes, does the problem persist there?
It is recommended to post technical questions on Microsoft Answers:
Back up the data and make a new clean install. Make sure using the ISO downloaded from Microsoft.