What does Detect old displays mean in system settings?

Iron Contributor
6 Replies
It is a feature that helps the system recognize and connect to older monitors or displays that might not be automatically detected by the standard display detection process. This option is useful when a monitor or external display isn't showing up in the display settings after being connected to the computer.
Thanks for the explanation.
Understand the word "old."
You've used two diskplays?

These reasons may exist:
MULTIPLE MONITORS: You have connected multiple monitors in the past and want to check if they can be detected again.
Troubleshooting: Your computer does not recognize the monitor and you want to see if the system recognizes it.
Configuration change: You have recently changed your monitor settings and want the system to refresh the view of available monitors.

I do not believe this is a mistake, it likely is referencing older analog outputs like VGA which do not always communicate with the host PC to inform that it is connected.