Removing Copilot taskbar icon via Intune

Steel Contributor

I am trying to remove the Copilot tasbar icon from W11 23H2 using Intune.


I found this suggested method:


But it doesn't work, and further investigation in the test machine's registry shows that the registry entry ShowCopilotButton doesn't appear to exist (and if created manually it has no effect, whether set to 0 or 1).


Anyone got any suggestions?



7 Replies



Hello David,

You might see if the group policy below to disable the Copilot feature itself may work better for you.

Thanks - that's got it sorted. I've created a proactive remediation which checks and then adds those two registry entries in your article.

It needs a reboot in order to get it to take effect once applied.
You're most welcome. Glad it could help.

Unfortunately, further testing have shown that this only works if the logged-in user has local admin rights (which most of them don't).

So back to looking for a solution...

Sorry to hear that. I hope you find a solution soon.

If you want to remove the copilot from the taskbar without disabling it? Then follow the below steps:

For starters, it can be easily disabled via the Task Bar Settings.

  • Right Click on the Taskbar and click on Taskbar Settings.

Taskbar Settings

  • Taskbar Settings (Personalization > Taskbar) will open now. Now, Toggle the Copilot (preview) switch to turn off or disable Copilot in Windows 11.

Disable Copilot (preview)

  • That is it. Copilot (preview) is now disabled in the Windows 11.

Disable CoPilot Completely using the Registry Editor in Windows 11

The steps are quick and simple.

  • Open Registry Editor.

Open Registry Editor

  • Go to the following path HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows

Paste the path and press Enter

  • Now, on the left pane, right-click on the Windows Folder, click on New > Key and name it as WindowsCopilot

Create a New key under Windows Folder

  • WindowsCopilot folder will now be created. Right-click on that and click on New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.

WindowsCopilot > New > Key

  • Now, name it as TurnOffWindowsCopilot

Name it as "TurnOffWindowsCopilot

  • Open the created file (by double-clicking on that), enter the value data as 1, and click OK.

Enter Value Data as 1

  • Now, restart your Windows 11 PC. Tada, You will not be able to find the Copilot in the Taskbar and as well as in the Taskbar Settings.

  • For starters, it can be easily disabled via the Task Bar Settings.

  • Right Click on the Taskbar and click on Taskbar Settings.

You can find more information on: Instantly Remove Copilot from Taskbar without Disabling it! -

All good and yes does work - my problem being I have certain users trialling using copilot so that they can then train others on it (personally don't know why as I think it's rubbish, but that's my own opinion and not company one) so does it not seem odd that by default it's set to on but you can't create a group policy/csp to set it to off - not disabled but just off so the user can then make the choice after correct training.