I need permission from Trusted Installer to delete folders

Copper Contributor

I want to delete a folder on my data HDD. It's not my boot drive. I want it to look nice and organized for my backups, but this Program Files folder bothers me.


I want to delete Program Files and the folder inside of that called ModifiableWindowsApps. I did a CMD TAKEOWN of the folder Program Files and that was a success, but when I delete it, it says I need my own account's permission to delete it and it won't follow through. The folder inside of it called ModifiableWindowsApps still has TrustedInstaller and I can't figure out how to address that in CMD to do a TAKEOWN of it, and I'm not sure a TAKEOWN would even help me here either. I have screenshots here to help.


The folders are empty and they're holdovers from my old installation, and I use a different boot drive now, so it's fine to delete them. I just can't. Thanks all!

1 Reply


You can try this command:


takeown /F C:\X\Y\Z /A /R
icacls C:\X\Y\Z /grant Administrators:F /T

 to do this in the past. takeown and icacls are provided by Windows. These commands should be used by an account with Administrator privileges. A batch file calling them would need to be run with Administrator privileges.