How to Install or Uninstall RSAT in Windows 11

Iron Contributor

How to Install or Uninstall RSAT in Windows 11How to Install or Uninstall RSAT in Windows 11


Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) is an essential tool for Windows administrators. This tool is designed to help administrators manage and maintain the servers from a remote location. Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) are used by IT administrators to handle Windows Server roles and features. It was introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2.


Viewing Remote Server Administration Tools List in Windows 11

  1. Open the Command Prompt App with Administrative Privileges.
  2. Type the below command and press Enter key.
  3. Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, State
  4. You'll get a list of all RSAT features and their current state whether installed or not present.
Related: (external link removed by moderator)

Installing Remote Server Administration Tools in Windows 11

  1. Launch the Windows 11 Settings app.
  2. Select Apps from the left pane.
  3. Choose Optional features.

Read More At: (external link removed by moderator)

79 Replies
What if it doesnt show under Optional features?
What edition are you running? RSAT is available on Pro and Enterprise editions of Windows 11.
Step 2 should say to open POWERSHELL with admin privs.

I am getting this message "'Get-WindowsCapability' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." can you say what I am doing wrong

Here is the missing piece.

After Clicking Optional Features, Click the View features at the top then you can scroll down to the RSAT options.  Click the check box and then Next to install.


Hope that helps.

@EdieE1835 RSAT is located under 'add an optional feature' - View Features.


You will have to click on each RSAT tool. 

Open elevated POWERSHELL window.

The directions are wrong

@ammarjaved agora como faz para instalar os recursos ?


now how do you install the resources?



I am including both steps here.

Run PowerShell as admin, then:


# Get RSAT items that are not currently installed:
$install = Get-WindowsCapability -Online |
  Where-Object {$_.Name -like "RSAT*" -AND $_.State -eq "NotPresent"}

# Install the RSAT items that meet the filter:
foreach ($item in $install) {
  try {
    Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $
  catch [System.Exception] {
    Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message



I managed to install RSAT in W11 by following the registry fix, remember to backup your registry before attempting this.
1.-If you have a corporate computer or domain joined, most probably is you have WSUS, this has to be not present for RSAT to install, make sure the user is admin of the W11 machine temporaly or wont show up in Additional features.
2.-Install RSAT KB from Microsoft page.
3.-Stop Windows Update Service
4.-Navigate your Regedit.exe - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" , set UseWUServer key to 0.
5.-Start Windows Update Service
6.-Install now RSAT either using GUI or Powershell or CMD, will work.

Cant believe just yet this is the only way to get through , also, that new error message "couldn't install" Is the most frustrating thing I had ever seen. It does not helps at all! Hope Microsoft does changes that!

Is because the user is not having the KB installed of it, I was using my admin account to install , but must be the user account in order for them to apper to that session.
Thanks for posting this.
Just moved to Win11 on my work laptop and was finding it a real pita to get the AD Users and Computers tool installed which I occasionally need to quickly & easily check AD objects.
Like many others, I found the Apps>Optional Features method suggested on most sites just doesn't show anything when you search for "rsat" but this powershell method works nicely.

For the benefit of anyone (like me) who just wants to install a specific tool from the RSAT - e.g. DSA.msc - the $_.Name attribute is different to $_.DisplayName shown in ammarjaved's example: Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, State

To see the $_.Name attribute needed when calling the Add-WindowsCapability cmdlet, just use:
Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Select-Object -Property Name, State
You're welcome. I was in a similar situation as you, upgrading to Windows 11 22H2 from 21H2 and forgot that I would lose all of these features in the upgrade. I had to dig through all of my PowerShell scripts to find the one I use for this. I stripped out a bunch of extra stuff to make it a bit simpler, though it does take a long time to install all of the features.



Opening it in Powershell, not Command Prompt should work.


I don't see a link to a KB page. Can you provide one?


@IrritatedPotato  All RSAT's are Notpresent And while puttting ns lookup command in cmd prompt, it shows server is unknown and address is alphanumeric Screenshot 2023-04-25 032153.png

how can i uninstall RSAT? using powershell, thank you..@_jorel 

@aswan1380, this can be done similar to the method used to install the RSAT tools.

Again, open PowerShell as admin, then run the following code, which will remove all RSAT tools that are currently installed.

# Get RSAT items that are currently installed:
$remove = Get-WindowsCapability -Online |
    Where-Object {$_.Name -like "RSAT*" -AND $_.State -eq "Installed"}

# Remove the RSAT items that meet the filter:
foreach ($item in $remove) {
    try {
        Remove-WindowsCapability -Online -Name $item.Name
    catch [System.Exception] {
        Write-Warning -Message $_.Exception.Message