Forum Discussion

josephwitkin's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 01, 2021

Still can't make Remote Desktop connection to Win 10 Pro Microsoft Account User

I was using a Local User Account on my PC, but I kept getting "Microsoft Account Problem " and OneDrive Not Connected" notifications on startup (all PC sharing is turned off), so I switched to Login with Microsoft Account instead. Then I could not make a Remote Desktop connection to the PC, even in my house on the same network (I usually connect through a VPN). I tried RDP connection with Microsoft credentials, Microsoft PIN, short User Account name, full name - no combination was accepted. Changing back to a local account fixed RDP right away, but brought back the frequent notifications.
It looks like this has come up for a long time. Is anyone aware of a solution? And with a local user account (my Microsoft account IS listed under "accounts used by other apps"), why do I keep getting notifications of Microsoft account problems?

  • josephwitkin's avatar
    May 02, 2021
    SOLVED - why so hard to find solution. Change back to a Microsoft user account. SIgn out, sign back in with Microsoft account password (26 characters read off 1Password on my cellphone) so it gets cached somewhere in Windows. Then make remote connection using User Name and microsoft account password - works. And hopefully I'll stay logged into One Drive now! (Why didn't THAT work with a local account??). SOLVED
  • Hello!
    I have a query if Windows Hello is configured?
    Is Edge the default?
    Are remote accesses not manually blocked where you want remote access?
    If I disable remote access is knowing the password, etc. you still don't get a connection to my computer!
    • josephwitkin's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Remote access is definitely enabled. I do not use Edge - browser is Chrome. My PC cannot use photo or fingerprint login. I had a PIN set up when I logged in with my Microsoft account. Now I am back to local account, but it still shows PIN login at startup. Even tried to disable policy in gpedit.msc and registry, but PIN login still there. Is it possible to do remote connection with a Microsoft login user account? That is what I would like, but can't make it work! Lame...
      • josephwitkin's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        SOLVED - why so hard to find solution. Change back to a Microsoft user account. SIgn out, sign back in with Microsoft account password (26 characters read off 1Password on my cellphone) so it gets cached somewhere in Windows. Then make remote connection using User Name and microsoft account password - works. And hopefully I'll stay logged into One Drive now! (Why didn't THAT work with a local account??). SOLVED
