Forum Discussion

Adrian1595's avatar
Brass Contributor
Sep 28, 2019

If Windows from now on were made Open Source with source code, wouldn't it help Microsoft?

If Microsoft Windows were made Open Source wouldn't that be great? Visual Studio is open source as everybody knows. So if Windows 10 would follow suit then a whole new era of Softwares and Apps would...
  • HotCakeX's avatar
    Sep 29, 2019



    Of course, it's a discussion


    well it appears that you're looking at it from only a single viewpoint. the reason for your suggestion for Windows to become open source is just to be more compatible with Linux.

    you asked: "Do you know why Linux doesn't appeal most of the market?"
    and you also answered: "the learning curve is kind of high." which is one reason.

    "when I tried to network between windows 10 and Debian there was no easy way out. So windows made it harder to collaborate with Linux. "

    about networking, I could argue that Linux actually made it harder to work with Windows.

    There is nothing to trash Windows with anyway. once could however trash the mismanagement and those people in charge. otherwise, Windows developers working at Microsoft are without a doubt the best, they only do what they are told to do. if one CEO decided to dismantle whole Windows test team and caused problem time to time with some hardware drivers then it's not the fault of Windows nor is the fault of the developers.

    I've had my own experience with Linux too. but as a Windows user, it could also hurt me that apple made osx the way it is now which is hard to implement with Windows ecosystem.
    you see, the fact is every OS has made it harder for other parties.
    apple is the worst of all. Linux could be in the middle and Microsoft has been working very hard to remove the restrictions with other platforms.
    the universal powrshell, Bash for Windows, WSL etc.


    Here comes the good part:

    Microsoft even makes a Linux OS for there cloud and allows all the others on it too. . They have Linux in Window store. They contribute to the Linux community and donate lots of money too it and are gold members of the Linux foundation . They even on the Linux private list where they talk about security issues in private because Microsoft makes Linux too now. They do more for Linux than some of distros that just bottom feed off other distros ..they also own github were we do a lot of Linux development on .It's not the 1990s no more when they hated each other 😉
