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Does SPFx colors affect the SharePoint Site theme
From yesterday i am seeing the issue on the Site theme. I have SPFx extensions and webparts deployed in the sites and both framework uses the custom color built in the .sppkg package. And I have custom site theme installed using PowerShell. Does the SPFx color scheme affect the SharePoint custom/inbuilt theme? As of now, I see the difference when I select the dark blue site theme. The SharePoint site pages and webparts are showing blue and white colors.285Views0likes0CommentsCursor disappears when moving away from text box when writing.
When writing on the description box(Add a message) when sharing the file or folder, the cursor on the description box disappears when it is moved out of the section. I have to click again and complete the rest of the instructions. How to solve this issue.navigatedEvent is not loading in new site
When I switch between sites - Site A (eng) and Site B (polish), the navigation from term store is loading from Site A in Site B. I have called the navigatedEvent to render the navigation when switching between sites but somehow it is not triggering the navigation in Site B (polish). As it shows the navigation from english site for at least sometime. @override public onInit(): Promise<void> {, `Initialized ${strings.Title}`); super.onInit().then(_ => { console.log("super oninit called"); sp.setup({ spfxContext: this.context, defaultCachingTimeoutSeconds: 30, globalCacheDisable: false }); }).then((_) => { console.log("Sp Initilize"); this.context.application.navigatedEvent.add(this, this._renderPlaceHolders); }); return Promise.resolve(); } private _renderPlaceHolders(): void { console.log("NavigationApplicationCustomizer._renderPlaceHolders()"); console.log( "Available placeholders: ", this.context.placeholderProvider.placeholderNames .map(name => PlaceholderName[name]) .join(", ") );581Views0likes0CommentsRe: Multilingual Hub Menu is not translating
But When I set polish won't this settings change my language to Polish and Does this work with translation ? I want to set as English display language and Translation must work when I switch the language. As in the display I cannot set multiple languages.3.5KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Multilingual Hub Menu is not translating
ganeshsanap I am trying for my profile, in the below image I selected polish in my case but Home and Document are translated manually to polish but still I see them as english. Regional/language settings of SharePoint site - It is Polish since site is Polish Language settings of user account in delve / advanced settings in my sites in SharePoint3.6KViews0likes5CommentsMultilingual Hub Menu is not translating
Hub site menu is not translating even after translated manually and waited 2 days but still shows in default language as English. I had set the preferred language in devle there is no change at all. In Microsoft article it was mentioned that it will affect after 2 hours. No changes. Only translation which happens are pages. - Hub navigation is also supported. It may take up to 2 hours to reflect changes for all hub sites.3.7KViews0likes8CommentsWarning message from Console on the Spfx WebPart
I was little confused to see the warning message from console on the Spfx Webpart, which i saw from the below link it is not to worry. I have set the https to true in serve.json and gulp trust But i was wondering why it was reference to the below CDN, i have enabled the office 365 CDN. So when i select Hero WebPart stock images. Images reference from the below link. Thank you in advance !!!1KViews0likes0Comments
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