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Custom Entity Mapping
I written below KQL with help from community but not able to create custom entity in Set Rule Logic. I need to mappingFailedAttempt field but no option in entity field. let threshold=2; let authenticationWindow = 5m; let Logs = SigninLogs //| where UserPrincipalName == "email address removed for privacy reasons" | where UserPrincipalName == "email address removed for privacy reasons" | where ResultDescription has_any ("Invalid username or password", "Invalid on-premise username or password"); Logs | summarize StartTimeUtc = min(TimeGenerated), EndTimeUtc = max(TimeGenerated) by bin(TimeGenerated, authenticationWindow), UserPrincipalName, ResultDescription, AppDisplayName, IPAddress, Location | join kind=inner ( Logs | summarize FailedAttempt = count() by ResultDescription, UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName, IPAddress, Location | where FailedAttempt >= ["threshold"] ) on UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName, ResultDescription, IPAddress, Location | project-away UserPrincipalName1, AppDisplayName1, ResultDescription1, IPAddress1, Location1 only these field are coming so how can i map faild attemptSolved1.5KViews0likes9CommentsKQL query
Hi Team, we want failed attempt with in 5m duration but query is stopped for last line. Please correct me. let threshold=1; let authenticationWindow = 5m; SigninLogs | where UserPrincipalName == "email address removed for privacy reasons" | where ResultDescription has_any ("Invalid username or password", "Invalid on-premise username or password") | summarize FailedAttempt = count() by ResultDescription, UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName | where FailedAttempt >= ["threshold"] | summarize StartTimeUtc = min(TimeGenerated), EndTimeUtc = max(TimeGenerated) by bin(TimeGenerated, authenticationWindow), FailedAttempt, UserPrincipalName, AppDisplayName Last line getting error forTimeGenerated1.1KViews1like6Commentsunable to find logs
Hi Guys, I m writing below KQL but result is showing "nothing". Kindly help me. let ExeList = dynamic(["powershell.exe","cmd.exe","wmic.exe","psexec.exe","cacls.exe","rundll32.exe"]); Event | where EventID==4688 | extend EvData = parse_xml(EventData) | extend EventDetail = EvData.DataItem.EventData.Data | extend CommandLine = EventDetail.[8].["#text"],TargetUserName = EventDetail.[10].["#text"], SubjectUserName = EventDetail.[1].["#text"], TargetUserSid = EventDetail.[9].["#text"], SubjectUserSid = EventDetail.[0].["#text"], NewProcessName = tolower(EventDetail.[5].["#text"]), ParentProcessName = EventDetail.[13].["#text"], SubjectDomainName = EventDetail.[2].["#text"] | where NewProcessName in (ExeList) NewProcessName looks like "C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\bin\splunk-powershell.exe" how to write a last line so let statement match ?461Views0likes1Commenthow to exclude ip along with port
Hi Team, I have created one rule and want to exclude 2 destination ip along with port destination port 445. how it will write ? Below is my query let deviceIP = (_GetWatchlist('qwe') | project SearchKey); CommonSecurityLog | where DeviceVendor =~ "Palo Alto Networks" and DeviceProduct =~ "PAN-OS" and Activity =~ "THREAT" | where Computer !in (deviceIP) and DeviceCustomString4 == "GP_VPN" or DeviceCustomString4 == "GP_partnervpn" and DeviceAction =~ "alert" | where DeviceEventClassID != "url" and LogSeverity !in ("1", "2", "3") | where DestinationPort != "L" and DestinationIP !in ("x.y.z.x", "q.w.e.r", "a.s.d.f") | parse kind=regex flags=U AdditionalExtensions with * "cat=" Category ';'* | project TimeGenerated, Subtype = DeviceEventClassID, SourceIP, SourceTranslatedAddress, Source_Ports=strcat(SourcePort),SourceUserName, DestinationIP, DestinationTranslatedAddress, DestinationPorts = strcat(DestinationPort), DestinationUserName,Protocol,ApplicationProtocol, RequestURL, Rules=DeviceCustomString1, Category, FirewallNames = Computer, SourceZone = DeviceCustomString4, DestinationZone = DeviceCustomString5 now i have to exclude 2 destination ip (x.d.r.t, c.f.t.y) with destination port (445) i wrote in this way but not worked. | where DestinationPort != "445" and DestinationIP !in (x.d.r.t, c.f.t.y) above line exclude all 445 related logs with any ip. but i just want exclude(x.d.r.t, c.f.t.y) with only 445. if ip(x.d.r.t, c.f.t.y) come with any other port logs should come. or except ip (x.d.r.t, c.f.t.y) all logs come in 445 destination port.834Views0likes1CommentKQL Queries
Hi Team, Please help us to write KQL. We have created rule with help of "SecurityAlert" table. but due to last its not working. We dont want particular command line alert. how it will excluded from alert. | where commandline !contains "f:\abc\xyz\comhost.exe" SecurityAlert | extend EntitiesDynamicArray = parse_json(Entities) | mv-expand EntitiesDynamicArray | extend Entitytype = tostring(parse_json(EntitiesDynamicArray).Type) | where Entitytype in~ ("host","process") | extend hostname = EntitiesDynamicArray.HostName | extend commandline = EntitiesDynamicArray.CommandLine | where commandline !contains "f:\abc\xyz\comhost.exe" Please help us to resolve last line.Solved2.5KViews0likes3Commentscall all watchlist column entity in incident.
We have created watchlist which is having 3 column. So if any incident is triggered from watchlist, we should get all entities in incident. We have created watchlist based on ThreatIntel. It have 3 column like IPAddress, MalwareName, Provider. So we have projected in watchlist only "IPAddress" in analytical rule. but we want IPAddress along withMalwareName, Provider in incident. Can someone help to regarding KQL for above situation ?989Views0likes5CommentsHow to combined query with same table.
Hi Guys, I am adding new column in CommonSecurity Table. But i am having issue in kql quey. Please help me. This is Palo alto related logs. As "cat" field is in both Threat and System. So it is going to overlap. thats why i have to run query with "OR" operator so Threat "cat" field will not overlap with System "cat" field. Please help me. . CommonSecurityLog | where Activity in ("TRAFFIC", "THREAT") | extend SessionEndReason_CF = extract('reason=([^;]+)',1, AdditionalExtensions) | extend ThreatContentName_CF = extract('cat=([^;]+)',1, AdditionalExtensions) | extend thr_category_CF = extract('PanOSThreatCategory=([^;]+)',1, AdditionalExtensions) combined with "OR" condition | where Activity == "SYSTEM" | extend EventID_CF = extract('cat=([^;]+)',1, AdditionalExtensions)2KViews0likes7Commentshow to add custom field in "CommonSecurityLog" Table
Hi Guys, I am adding new column in CommonSecurity Table. But i am having issue in kql quey. Please help me. This is Palo alto related logs. As "cat" field is in both Threat and System. So it is going to overlap. thats why i have to run query with "OR" operator so Threat "cat" field will not overlap with System "cat" field. Please help me. . CommonSecurityLog | where Activity in ("TRAFFIC", "THREAT") | extend SessionEndReason_CF = extract('reason=([^;]+)',1, AdditionalExtensions) | extend ThreatContentName_CF = extract('cat=([^;]+)',1, AdditionalExtensions) | extend thr_category_CF = extract('PanOSThreatCategory=([^;]+)',1, AdditionalExtensions) combined with "OR" condition | where Activity == "SYSTEM" | extend EventID_CF = extract('cat=([^;]+)',1, AdditionalExtensions)566Views0likes0CommentsKQL query not showing sourec country info
Hi Team, I created one query from commonsecurity table it showing destination country info but not source country. Please help me to find out source country info also. source country column getting empty but destnation column getting info like ip and country name CommonSecurityLog | where DeviceProduct has 'PAN-OS' and DeviceVendor =~ 'Palo Alto Networks' and Activity =~ 'THREAT' | where TimeGenerated >= ago(1d) | extend IsLateral = iif(((ipv4_is_private(SourceIP) == true) and (ipv4_is_private(DestinationIP)== true)) , 'true', 'false') | where IsLateral == 'false' | extend IsOutbound = iif(((ipv4_is_private(SourceIP) == true) and (ipv4_is_private(DestinationIP) == false)) , 'true', 'false'), IsInbound = iif(ipv4_is_private(SourceIP) == false, 'true', 'false') | extend TrafficDirection = iif((IsOutbound == 'true'), "Outbound", "Inbound") | extend Simplified_Firewall_Action = iif((DeviceAction in ("allow", "alert", "block-continue", "continue")), 'Allowed', 'Blocked') | parsekind=regex flags=U AdditionalExtensions with * "DstLocation=" DestinationCountry ';' * "SrcLocation=" SourceCountry | summarize count() by DeviceEventClassID, LogSeverity, Detailed_Firewall_Action = DeviceAction, Simplified_Firewall_Action, TrafficDirection, SourceCountry, DestinationCountry | project Date = now(-1d), Subtype = DeviceEventClassID, Severity = LogSeverity, Detailed_Firewall_Action, Simplified_Firewall_Action, TrafficDirection, SourceCountry, DestinationCountry, Count=count_Solved1.7KViews0likes2Comments
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