Forum Discussion
Apr 28, 2020
UP-Printer does not show up in Windows UI
Windows 10 (19041.208), workplace-joined, does not show or allow for searching of Universal Printer printer.
The printer is successfully registered and shared. The user owns a UP license.
The opt...
- May 14, 2020
There is something with the information returned by dsregcmd /status /verbose /debug
The Tenant Details information is correct.
The Work Account section shows the wrong WorkplaceTenantName.
The executing account name is correct.
The device itself and the only account used for login are from the same tenant. There was a second work account added to the Windows 10 accounts list due to a second Outlook mailbox which originates from a different tenant. That account was listed as "Work account 1". After removing that account. My primary account does not show as "work account", but as "Connected with Tenantname, using UPN-Address".
After cleaning up the accounts issue, universal print and the configured printer is available.
May 12, 2020
Saurabh_Bansal The device works fine for another user in the same org, even with an older build of Windows 10 (1903).
The system having the issue is build Windows 10 Ent 2004.
I'll try to gather Fiddler data if Windows 10 connects to the UP licensing endpoint.
Are there any known issues, when the user is MFA enabled??
May 13, 2020ThomasStensitzki-MVP run dsregcmd /status /verbose /debug from an elevated command prompt on the client and check for these settings. If AzureAdPrt is no then check for WorkplaceJoined. If both are no then no license is being applied. The Fiddler trace would show us more data. If you get to that point, open a Azure support case and specify Universal Print and we can look into this further.
| Device State |
AzureAdJoined : YES
EnterpriseJoined : NO
DomainJoined : YES (no?)
DomainName : xxxxxx
| SSO State |
AzureAdPrt : YES
| User State |
NgcSet : NO
WorkplaceJoined : YES
- May 14, 2020
There is something with the information returned by dsregcmd /status /verbose /debug
The Tenant Details information is correct.
The Work Account section shows the wrong WorkplaceTenantName.
The executing account name is correct.
The device itself and the only account used for login are from the same tenant. There was a second work account added to the Windows 10 accounts list due to a second Outlook mailbox which originates from a different tenant. That account was listed as "Work account 1". After removing that account. My primary account does not show as "work account", but as "Connected with Tenantname, using UPN-Address".
After cleaning up the accounts issue, universal print and the configured printer is available.
- May 14, 2020
Both are enabled.
| User State |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------+WorkplaceJoined : YES
| SSO State |
+----------------------------------------------------------------------+AzureAdPrt : YES
Would like to open a support case. But opening an Azure Support Case for Universal Print ist not covered in the tenant subscription.