Mar 04 2021 03:45 AM
I am currently running a PoC in our tenant for universal print. I have configured a connector on which I have installed a printer. I have then shared that printer and given 4 users access.
I can see the printer object in Azure Active Directory --> Devices as an "Azure AD joined" object. However, none of users (the 4 that I have shared the printer with) can see the printer when they search for it in Windows --> Settings --> Devices --> Printers and Scanners.
i have ensured that all the 4 users have Universal Print license assigned to them.
any ideas why the user can't see the printer on their device after it has been published to Azure Active Directory?
has anyone else having the same issue?
Mar 08 2021 07:27 AM
Mar 09 2021 09:21 PM
Mar 13 2021 06:46 PM
@ShehzadUIT - please check for all the pre-requisites for user's device (including Windows version).
Link: Set up Universal Print | Microsoft Docs
If you continue to see issue, please reach out to Microsoft Support via Azure Support portal.