Exam and Certification badges

Copper Contributor

Is there a Press-kit or something with all the exam and certification badges so we can display them in learning paths and class information pages on our website somewhere?


I can download most from our individual trainers's credly profiles, but I'd rather have an official zip file without any credly metadata embedded in the picture.

5 Replies

Hi @jessehouwing 


We have all of our marketing assets available for Training Services Partners here: https://microsoft.sharepoint.com/teams/TrainingServicesPartnerMarketingAssets


If you're not finding what you're looking for, our marketing team can investigate to determine the feasibility of adding it. 



I've requested access.

@DanDonohue I can't find what I'm looking for. 

We'd like to add the Exam and Certification shields for each of the certifications, like these below:




As well as the generic ones used by some (looks like they may have photoshopped these themselves). These show the level, but not the actual certification:



I'd prefer them in SVG as well as PNG of course. And all in one big ZIP instead of having to scour the webs myself.



Not able to access the sharepoint!


Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 11.52.04 PM.png

I'd love this also - and I can't access the sharepoint. I keep getting an error saying that my account has been locked. Any help would be appreciated @DanDonohue