Teams App loading Microsoft Form - blank page

Copper Contributor


For my client I have built a form in Forms which has been wrapped up into a simple Teams app and added to the main navigation bar in Teams.

The app manifest just contains a single staticTab with the contentURL being the link to complete the Form, as generated by Forms (starting


This works fine in the web Teams client.


However, in the desktop client, it only works if we have set the Form to "anyone with the link".


If we set it to "people in my organisation" then the when we load the app it shows the green "loading" message for a second, then goes completely blank. No form. I guess the problem is something to do with the authentication, but I didn't think I would have to do anything special to get this to work. Again it works perfectly in the web client, we only see this error in the desktop client.


Is anyone able to replicate this? Any ideas on a resolution?

Many thanks

7 Replies

@Matthew Lamb good question it is something with SSO and the client app.

I have found a method which works for embedding SharePoint pages where you set the URL of the tab to which handles the authentication without causing Teams to bring down the hammer and redirects to a SharePoint page of your choosing. However this doesn't work for redirecting to Forms. And adding the Forms form to the SharePoint page using a Web Part doesn't work because it gets loaded in a frame which just gets blocked.


The only thing that works is to put a button/link on that SharePoint page which opens the Forms URL in a new tab. When in the Teams client this then launches the Form in the browser window. Not ideal though.

@Matthew Lamb Could you please try adding Form's webApplicationInfo* section to your manifest. 

  "webApplicationInfo": {

@Gousia_Begum Thanks for the suggestion but this didn't work, we get the same result.  Would I need anything in the validDomains section? Do you have this working?

@Matthew Lamb Thanks for trying this out. Unfortunately, after some further investigation, it appears that their is yet-another-thing: the URLs that Forms use are different than the canonical URLs you'd get from the browser. At this point, what you are trying is not supported. Even if you got the exact URL correct and are able to host Forms as your own app... there's no guarantee that Forms doesn't change this URL in a few months from now. 

@Matthew Lamb- just checking to see if you made any progress on this.  I know that Gousia stated that it couldn't be done but I figured I'd check to see if you ever found another alternative to making this work.  Thanks in advance.

Hi MIchael - no, we have settled with embedding a SharePoint page with a link on it to launch the Form in a new tab.