Online Meeting Create and Update - id not found

Copper Contributor

I've created an online meeting using the following method: 


I've then gone to update it using the following call (and providing the id returned by the above method): 

However, I get an error saying Invalid meeting id.


Any ideas?

4 Replies


We are not able to reproduce the issue from our end. Could you please provide screenshot or images of the payload and the error you are receiving.

Also please confirm that you are using the "PATCH" to update the online meeting.






Thanks for the reply.  


I'm using the /beta/users/{userId}/onlineMeetings/{meetingId} endpoint with an application token not the /beta/me/onlineMeetings/{meetingId} endpoint.


Does that work for you?



I'm also using it through the beta nuget package using:

 await graphClient.User["{userId}"].OnlineMeetings["{id}"] .Request() .UpdateAsync(onlineMeeting);



We are anot able to reproduce the issue ,we have tried using the userid with beta API.


1. Created the online meeting successfully



2. Updated the online meeting successfully




 Could you please try creating using graph explorer and check.