Jan 09 2020 01:37 AM
I am almost finished with my provisioning web-part for creating groups with teams using graph, but the customer want the "provisioneer" to be able to refrain from sending out "you've been added" messages
I cannot seem to find if it's possible in the documentation, but then again it doesn't always have it all written down.
Do some of you know if it's possible?
thnx, O
Jan 09 2020 01:53 AM
Jan 09 2020 11:04 PM
You can do that with Microsoft Graph only at creation time. Here is a sample
Url: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups
Request Body:
"displayName": "TestGroup-01",
"groupTypes": [
"mailEnabled": true,
"mailNickname": "testgroup-01",
"resourceBehaviorOptions": [
"securityEnabled": false,
"visibility": "Private",
Jan 13 2020 06:40 AM - edited Jan 13 2020 06:43 AM
yes, but that doesn't stop the added to teams mail from being sent out. (?) . It stops the office groups mail from being sent. When i create the team right thereafter they receive a "You've been added to a team in Microsoft Teams" mail. This is the mail i want to switch off @Gousia_Begum has the same effect as doing it in powershell.
Jan 27 2020 04:25 AM
@trillian74 How are you adding the team member after creating the team with WelcomeEMailDisabled: True? Are you adding the user using Graph API or from the Teams UI?
Aug 17 2023 12:22 AM
Hi @trillian74
Did you manage to disable the welcome mail?
It seems I struggle with exactly the same request and already checked the
WelcomeMessageEnabled is set to False for my Team/group but still I receive the welcome mail.