Creating Workflows is disabled in somewhere

Bronze Contributor



I was following this guide: Prerequisites to get the the predefined workflow (Post to a channel when a webhook request is received) done. In the next section in step seven instead of having positive sign, I do have a message "Looks like this workflow is disabled by your organization".



Anybody knows what other prerequisites the Workflow could have? What else I should have enabled? Somewhere I saw info that I should have "Entra ID \ Logic Apps" enabled, but that is not so clearly stated in anywhere. Something should be enabled (or not locked) in Power Apps site?

4 Replies

@Petri-X - Thanks for raising your issue. We are also facing the same issue and have raised a bug for the same and engineering team is looking into it. We will inform you once we get any further update.



Hi @Prasad_Das-MSFT 

Nice to hear that I'm not alone with this 🙂

But I'm not sure if this is really a bug, or more likely some security configuration in a tenant.

Hi @Prasad_Das-MSFT 

Do you see the same:

1. Go to and Power Automate (or directly

2. Great the same workflow than on Teams. The steps are the same.

3. When you hit [create] I'm getting an error: "Admin data policy 'Data Policy XYZ' restricts use of these apis: TeamsWebhookRequestReceived."


I believe this is my issue:



Need to find way if that can be enabled.



@Petri-X , we got update from engineering team stating that, this is expected when the tenant has a DLP policy that does not allow webhooks in their default environment.

Flows using that webhook are disabled.