Command Line args to goto channels directly?

Brass Contributor

Hello! So in our custom tools we try to give quick access to the responsible people. Its already possible to chat with co-workers in Teams with a click. In the background: getting the executable from `LOCALAPPDATA` + \Microsoft\Teams\current\Teams.exe works pretty reliable then just call this with `` and Voilà we chat!


Now I'd like users to be able to goto public channels with a click. I can get a link with Get link to channel. But running Teams.exe with this link does nothing! Just opens up the Teams main window with whatever was just open. No change.


I CAN just "run" this link with the webbrowser but then the user has to accept to always open the according links with MS Teams which is do-able but rather crude for some simpler users. And STILL one would have a useless web page open. Maybe the user doesn't even have a browser open... However it would be quite great to just go like:


Teams.exe %channel_link%


What command line switch do I need?

Is there a list of command line switches? like the sip: one?

I'd love to do sth like Teams.exe /? or -help ...

btw: Currently there is a big fat ERROR msg when you do Teams on the console window:

Error while parsing hooks JSON. Error: "ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\\Users\\techarteric\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Teams\\hooks.json'"
(node:17212) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.


25 Replies
@ericw190 good to know :) It fit' not to my usecase. I call the script from a command launcher ( With your describe solution it still pops-up a dos-box, which I want to avoid.

With the vbs-wrapper script it works fine for me.
Thanks! I had to replace tacv2 with skype.



Do you have an idea how to send automatically the text?

Thanks in advance.



@jholzbau could you find a clear solution to the "Go directly to the regular meeting conversation screen"? That's why I started looking for this whole thing to begin with so it would be an immense help!



@ErdiArslan sorry, I was not able to figure this one out :( 




How about to make a dialing call?