Forum Discussion
Wiki in Modern Page format
Found this recent reply from Microsoft on their SharePoint UserVoice page:
We know wikis are critical to sharing knowledge within your organization! We’ve been slowly building capabilities to share information more easily with our focus on modern pages and web parts. And with that work, we’ve been adding some of the capabilities we hear you want when people refer to wikis (easily add links to other pages or content, add metadata to each page to help people find and categorize it, roll-up content based on that metadata to show groupings of like content, etc.) But we know this isn’t all that’s required to have a great wiki. Many people also want wiki linking syntax e.g. [[]], we don’t yet support that, but we do support ctrl/command + K from the text web part to search and find pages on your site. We’ll be working on adding wiki syntax shortly. We know you also need easy roll-up pages, maybe an index page, etc.
In short, we’re still working on what it will take to make a great wiki experience leveraging the building blocks of web parts and modern pages. If you have specific ideas about what you need/want, we’d love to hear them. Please add detailed comments to help us frame what you need for our MVP.
So sounds like the wiki functionality might be replaced by better modern pages and web parts.
I added a wiki as an app in Teams the other day and it's super simple and perfect for my needs. Was hoping it was that easy to add to Sharepoint as well, but I'm beginning to learn that it's not. 😞
- SmithKatrinaITNov 18, 2021Copper Contributor
Until there is an "easy" button for building out Modern SharePoint Wiki's, I found this video for creating "a" modern SharePoint Wiki: Essentially building pages linked to each other and creating the breadcrumbs with a series of hyperlinks and text webpart. Seems like a lot of work, but for site designers--may be fun!
- XabiBeltzaJan 21, 2022Copper Contributor
This is not ideal. We need what every other Wiki does. A simple tree structure navigation. It should be as simple as having a 'top parent page' field on every page. Then, have a setting in the page library to show a tree index, built from this information.
Right now, creating this is a nightmare, because you have to build the navigation alongside the content!
- SusanHanleyJan 21, 2022MVP
XabiBeltza You can easily do this by creating metadata exactly as you describe. You could use a "lookup" field to connect pages to their logical parent and/or you can create a Topic column to connect similar pages together. You can then use the Highlighted Content web part to pull all related pages together. If you want pages to sort in a particular order - or at least easily identify the "parent" in each "family," you can add a number to the parent page title - e.g. 01-Name of Page. To connect pages to one another in line, you can use standard wiki notation [[ ]].