Forum Discussion

ThomasL41's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 14, 2023

We would like the news web part to show Created By instead of Author byline

Hello All

For our customer it's a show stopper that users are able to select other users as authors in news post in the news web part in SharePoint online.

We need to select the actual logged in user or the created by field as author. Does anybody know how we can achieve this? Help is highly appreciated! Thanks!

  • ThomasL41 You cannot change the default behavior of SharePoint news web part to show Created By user instead of Author byline value.


    However, you can set the Author byline field value to any user you want using PnP PowerShell script. Here's a full script: Set Page Author Byline 

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    • ThomasL41's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi ganeshsanap
      Thanks for your input. The Author byline should not be the same user for every post. It should simply be the user, which writes the post. Do you think there's a powershell script to solve/reach this?
      Regards, Thomas
  • Hello ThomasL41 


    a show stopper? OK...sounds a little bit to dramatically 😕


    Per default it's not possible. You can try to change it after save with Flow, or implent an approval for a double-check before you will be publish the news.


    Regards, Dave

    • ThomasL41's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hello DaveMehr365

      I don't think this sounds to dramatically... Anybody can write a post and select the CEO as the author. This is what the customer fears. Which I can understand.

      What would your approach be to resolve this "problem"?

      • DaveMehr365's avatar

        Hello ThomasL41 


        You can try to change it after save with Flow, or implent an approval flow for a double-check before you will be publish the news.


        Best, Dave
